It just hit me! Jesus IS SAYING, He did not come to judge the world, but if we choose to NOT follow what God spoke in His Word-the bible, NOT follow Him and repent of our sins, NOT commit long term to Him being Lord of our lives, that it will be us who will condemn ourselves to eternal life without Him! He is letting us choose!
Even today, we choose. Jesus Is here to save. He is one of our choices. It is His first order of business-His assignment from God. We condemn ourselves, and we condemn others, but Jesus offers us a free-will! Jesus will judge us all in the End, that is His second order of business.
As believers, God's Word and His laws judge us now. We are to honor our commitment. We've taken that next step with God! Following God laws written in our Bibles is what keeps us out of the quagmire of the consequences of our contrary actions. His written Word is our blessing, not our curse.
Unbelievers feel as though the Bible is of no consequence to them. They choose not to accept Christ, and they choose not to follow God's law. They feel they are not effected. But that is faulty logic. The consequences still exists. That is where the curse comes from. Whether unbelievers or believers choose to follow God's laws or not, the consequences of not following them remain unchanged.
As believers and unbelievers, understand this, Christ and the Father are not beggars. They appeal to us and they offer us a choice. Choose Christ! Who else do you know who will die for you? Be blessed!