After feeding them, I went and got gas down the road to mow the yard with. Funny thing, I could not for the life of me get the cap off the gas can to fill it up. I don't know, I guess I have not been eating my spinach like I should. I ended up having to ask this guy for his help. He was like, "Boy this is on tight." He got it off for me though. I love small towns with great people in them. He was dressed up with a cup of coffee in his hand, and he didn't hesitate a bit to help me out.
One of my traits in my personality is that I like to give to people. I guess I get that from my dad. My mom too. But with my dad, he gives outside of most people's comfort zone. I was talking to one of his old friends from back in his day and he said, "For as long as I have known your dad, he has always been blessed. He's been that way from childhood on up. He never seemed to lack like the rest of us." My dad is retired, but he still loves to witness about the Lord to people. Everybody that knows him knows, if you need something prayed about, he will pray with you. There used to be a group of bikers that came into town, and would go up to Hardees to eat. Now my dad does not look like a biker at all, but this group and he just hit it off. They were wary of him at first, but as usual daddy warmed up to them. Then, everywhere they saw him in town, they would all wave real big and start kidding around. Everybody else, they'd give the, 'Don't even look in the same direction as me look." But back in the day he used to ride an Indian Harley Davidson. Mom used to try to get him to go to church with us on Sundays, but he just didn't have time for the Lord. He had "guy" things to do, he and his buddies. Mostly ride up and down the highway on their bikes. Long story short, he was witness to tenaciously by our neighbor, whose name was Mr. Otis Skaggs. He was such kind and funny man, Mr Skaggs. Daddy later rededicated his life to the Lord and afterward, became a minister. Had Mr. Skaggs not taken the assignment of witnessing to my dad, my childhood would have been totally different than what God had in mind. Dad was called to preach, which is why he didn't want to go to church with my mom and us. How he was pursued by the Lord via our neighbor is a sweet and humorous story that will have you laughing at all the trouble God goes though to put us in a blessed place, despite ourselves. If you want to hear his story, just ask him. He'll smile real big and begin to tell you about his journey.
As you can tell, I'm a daddy's girl, and as you may have already found out, I am also a momma's girl. I am blessed everyday to have them both in my life. I'm pretty big on my sister Linda too. I would not trade that ole girl for nothin' either. I'm blessed coming and going.
Now I digress, so I must get back to my day yesterday. I got my gas and filled up the beastmaster and conquered the yard. Then I weeded. Did a couple of loads of laundry, and speaking of laundry (get ready, for I shall digress again) there nothing like bleached whites? My mother is from Brownfield Il, hoorah. She was raised by my greatgrandmother, Carrie Sydes Dabbs and my greatgrandfather, Louis Dabbs. My great grandmother who passed this down to my mother, who passed it down to my sister and I, believed in bleaching whites. The same color brightness that it comes out of the package when you buy a white colored item is the same color brightness that you will see from week to week at the end on laundry day. I put my freshly dried bed clothes on my bed and my heart swelled with pride. I love a freshly made bed with bright white sheets and pillow cases. I believe I sleep better because of that bleaching routine that has been passed done from generations of the Dabbs family. Now if your nostrils have not been toughened up, you don't want to be at any of our homes on bleach day. My dad leaves the house on bleach day, he thinks its dangerous to be in close contact with that much bleach. We love it. Its a process of love.
By the time I got done with my day yesterday, I was stoved up as my granny would say. All my muscles ached. But this morning I'm as limber as a noodle, and ready to go. Well speaking of go, I got to get going. I got a full day ahead of me.
COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC again and we'll see what we can come up with to discuss about the good life God gave us.