Linda called out, "All aboard!" That's when mom and I boarded the "Linda mobile" in route to the farmer's market. We went to the farmer' market in town first, and then to the one in Paducah. The Crossland's girls day out on Saturdays is such a joy. We load up in the car, and we laugh, kid each other, sing, and talk about our favorite commercials on T.V. Mom loves acting out the different actor's part, and she knows the commercials word for word. It a crazy family thing she has always loved to do, when she wants to make us laugh. Linda always drives and provides us with bottled water. Course if you go anywhere with Linda Crossland expect to leave early, on time, and don't ask to go by the bank for funds. The going by the bank is viewed to be done on your own time. Once we're all in the car, she whisks us away to a morning of fun.
Linda likes homemade jam. None of us are into jam making. So she always focuses on the jam table. I like homemade bread, but don't like heating my kitchen up in the summer, so I head for the bread table first. Mom, loves to can veggies, so she heads to the tomatoes, green beans, and cucumbers and such table. We're in and out of the car for our favorites, then off we go to the next market.
At the Paducah market, we found purple hull peas. Mom is kinda picky, so she was asking questions of the lady at the stand selling peas. She only had 3 bags left to sell. While she was talking, I bought a bag, another lady bought a bag, and the lady's friend called out she only had a bag and a half left. Mom got over asking her 20 questions and barely got the last bag. I got so tickled. Those shelled purple hull peas go fast every time. Last week, a woman ahead of me bought 4 lbs already shelled peas, and 2 lbs of already shelled Lima beans. The woman behind me was asking the farmer if she was going to sell out. So this week, I knew to hand over my money, take my bag, and be happy. The two key words are, "Already shelled."
We went bargain shopping and I found with the help of Linda, 2 cookbooks for $2 each, and I found 2 magazines for 10 cents each. The magazines had articles I was interested in. Not too shabby for girls day out.
I am so blessed to have the family that God hooked me up with. We love each other so, warts and all.
Well that's all the excitement for me today. COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC again, and we'll talk more about the what, the who, and the how to of bargain shopping for the frugal girls.
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