I'm cleaning house so I won't have to do anything but mow, weed, and laundry tomorrow. You just can't do everything on Saturdays.
Caity and I added an alley to our route. We met the city employees behind the old police station filling up their gas tanks. One of them was whistling while pumping the gas. Of course Caity thought he was talking to her. He wasn't. He did not appear to be a dog lover either. She has a good sense about people. Once she decided he was not talking to her, she went to his buddy and got a full rub and pat session from him. I told him, "She'll be your best friend for life now." He responded, "Yep, that's the way they are." Obviously, he was the dog lover of the bunch. So off we went, with Caity happily smelling every single trash can on our new route.
People have stated I do not give enough face time to Ziggy on here. So here is a funny Zig moment. The other day at approximately 8 p.m. which is when Zig begins his campaign to be fed, I put his new Blue Buffalo cat food in his dish. He has always been a finicky eater. Usually Caity would eat her food, and then walk over to Ziggy's dish to eat his left overs. Caity is quite the greedy gut. Now, I feed Ziggy at night, after I put greedy gut in her crate for the night. So after consuming his favorite cat food, I catch him licking the rim and inside of his food bowl. LOL. I knew right then, that was the end of the picky eater named Ziggy. Bingo, I finally hit upon the perfect cat food.
Received a VIP e-mail from my favorite author's website stating that a picture I submitted of Caity and "Baby" was going to be posted on her site under the "Reader's Pet" section. Yippy-te-I-yay. Every week since I submitted it, I have been checking the site to see if she would get posted. Finally she has. She and about ten other pets will be posted online for about 4 days. So be sure to go to www.evanovich.com on Monday, August 2, 2010 and see my little doggie.
I finally got my dairy barn on my Farmville page. Joy, joy. I am having a blast with Farmville and finding new friends for neighbors to boot. I love my farm. It is quite quaint. Check out my chic house, that is if you are a Farmvillian. I wish I could crawl through my computer screen and live there. Now for a New England barn, two stone fences, a covered bridge, more land, one new cool truck that is coming out in red, oh la la etc.
My dad is the best father in the whole wide world. That's all I'm going to say about it. But, I guess everyone reading this feels the same way about their dad. So I'll rephrase it and say, including present company's fathers. How's that for being politically correct? Ha.
Right now I am craving my mom's fried apples. She offered me some to take home, but I wanted to appear polite, and didn't accept. Now I am sad, and hungry. Next time I'm going to be a hoss hog and take a gob home. Appearances be pootied.
People better leave Sarah Palin alone, we all make up our own words. My family has it's own vocabulary of words that work just for us, and we understand each other completely.
I'm getting sleepy, so I am going to close and post. Remember, COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC again, where we'll discuss the virtues of fried apples in greater detail and view life through the viewfinder of a cored out apple.
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