Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well today was a hot one. Now that my lawn mower is fixed I was looking forward to mowing. When I took Caity out this morning my plan was to feed her and head outside to mow, but it was too hot. So I announced to the kids that I would mow later. When I took Caity out again, it started raining. Rats! So later I thought, hey it's not rained yet, I will mow a few swipes until it does. It proceeded to thunder. I moved the plants so they could get rained on and no major rain still.

Speaking of equipment, I think I am equipment challenged! Every time I start to mow, that darn mower either won't start with a full tank of gas or keeps stopping on me, then I tried the weed eater, cause if I am nothing else in this world, I am determined. However it did not work either. Happens all the time! Bless my daddy's heart, he has the patience of Job, but I believe I am starting to wear on him. That would be a shame, he's the best, I'd hate to loose him as a friend! But if his equipment don't stop falling apart on my watch, I might have to adopt.

Caity and Ziggy have had at least two love feast apiece today. Each one tries to outdo the other during these sessions. Not sure who won. They are so openly jealous of each other, especially Caity. If she see Ziggy heading my way with his tail in the air, (a sign of true happiness) she cuts him off at the pass and gets to me first. I have to tell her, "Caity, I saw that get down."

I had to miss Wednesday night service, and I am bummed out. Wednesday night services at HHC are fun nights. We get deeper teaching, and we hang out afterwards. As I said earlier, if I am nothing else in this world I am determined. So I will be there, or be square come Wednesday.

I've done the unimaginable, I was able to get my sister to accept me as a Farmville neighbor. That was almost as exciting as winning the free picnic table on there! See, I am always after her to do "sister stuff" with me. Most of the time I fail. She and I are very different and very alike. So it requires that we not be different at the same time, I come up with an activity. But this time the moon must have been aligned just right with the stars because I prevailed. We are having a blast. And yes, I do remember those who have not excepted yet. Farmville is not for everyone. We are both fugal. So we are not into pets, especially dogs, they are expensive at that market. They need to lower their prices on pets. And cats, they birth kittens too. Nope, another mouth to feed. There will be not animals of Dianne's farm.

Its time to take Miss Caity out one last time before her bed time. So I'm signing off for another day. Be sure to COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHC another day to visit.


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