Friday, February 4, 2011


I have finally gotten all my clothes organized by seasons.  I have one bag ready to go to the salvation army, two tubs stored away, one for summer/spring and one for winter.  Then there is the pile we all have and cannot bear to part with.  Clothes we love for sentimental reasons, for the sake of comfort, but are way past wearing outside the house, and those clothes we can no longer fit in due to our love of DQ and McDonald french fries.  For instance, I have this gorgeous red dress and long coat to go with it that if I could refrain from pulling into DQ or Micky D's, I could actually fit into by spring.  In case you have not noticed by reading my blog, red is one of my favorite colors.  Except for red roses.  I don't know if I un-consciencely have an issue with life long commitment or if I just like pink and tropicana orange roses best.  For what ever reason, red roses are not my favorite.

So the salvation army bag is off the the front entryway.  Yay me!  The two tubs are stacked in the corner and other than Caity the dog, nothing at all exists under my bed.  Boy, that has been on my bucket list forever.

Next up, the dreaded bedroom closet.  Ugh.

Back from Verizon after ordering my iPhone, so I won't have to wait in line at the Verizon store on the 10th.  Buying an iPhone is like buying a car.  I had to buy a special car charger for Apple products only, a hard case cover, then if you bought a bluetooth you got 30% off.  So the bargain guru that I am, I bought all three.  Then to order the phone you have to remember your Verizon password, which I just changed yesterday that did not work tonight, so I had to change in while at the store.  Plus I road around with Linda while she got her phone activated and set up with a special cover to protect her screen and a nifty cover.  Whew, I'm worn out!

Hopefully I am smart enough to activate and download my applications I want.  And, I cannot wait till I get to take pictures and upload them for my blog and facebook.

COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR again, because who knows whats going on in FLOWERCHIC's world to talk about.  Ciao for now!