Tuesday, March 8, 2011


There is a such thing as generational curses and generational blessings.  Thank goodness I have a generational blessing of found money.  I can find money in a budget, clip some coupons, find a sale, buy second hand, attempt to negotiate a discount, or make and sell some stuff.  But the one thing my dad and my sister are blessed with is finding actually bills of money on the ground, next to their car, or blowing in the wind.  Well, my dog Caity found some money and it stayed there 2 days snagged in my hydrangea bush by my front door. Yes, she did. Day before yesterday in the evening she was nosing around my bush instead of going up the front steps to go inside. Her command to go home is "home, home."  I gave her command and she kept nosing around.  I kept giving her command and finally she complied.  Yesterday, same thing.  Today she had moved on to a new spot to delay going in.  I got curious and decided to see what was once so interesting, but abandoned today.  What did I see?  A twenty dollar bill just waiting to be discovered at about doggie nose high from the ground!  I said, "Caity we got $20, found money!  I'm sure her response was, "Oh that, I found that days ago, and what do you mean we found $20?"  I gave her a good dog rubbing and we went inside to put it away for a rainy day.  So far I, I mean we have a $20 bill and a $10 gas card sent to me from BP gas station for shopping there four time for gasoline. Plus, I have an envelope full of coupons Kroger's sent me I haven't taken advantage of yet.

I going to add finding actually dollar bills to my list of generational blessing from God.  See my grandfather on my dad's side of the family had the blessing of finding money and the ability to live within a budget and be able to cut corners and find money in a budget too.  On my mom's side of the family they have the gift of stocking a pantry, make and save, and buying only on sale.  My uncle on my mom's side of the family always would tell Linda and I about how to buy cars, and to never live within your actual budget, but to always live under budget.  Then you take your savings and buy what you want.  But you can't get everything you want all of the time.  You got to find out what it is you really want, lay-away it or tuck the money aside, and every penny, nickel, dime, and dollar counts that much closer to getting what you really want.

The one thing both sides of my family did and instilled in us, whether we were their kids or not was to always pay tithes. I was forever losing my tithe money between them giving it to me at home and the offering plate.  Finally daddy came up with this idea of tying my coins in one end of one of his handkerchiefs.  Then when turning flips in the grass before Sunday school, it was much easier for me to find my tithe money!  They had to be quite creative with me as their child!  One day I'll tell the story of how I ended up with more candy money than Linda did when we were kids.  It was quite ingenious of me, but I got in trouble for it. Smile.

Now it is your turn.  Think back over your family history and come up common blessings that flow through your bloodline.  It is very interesting stuff.  One person prays for a blessing and that blessing keeps getting passed down.

COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR with FLOWERCHIC again and we'll explore the many wonders of life together.


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