Thursday, February 2, 2012


Funny story told by my mom yesterday in the car ride to Aldis with just us girls, Sista and me. My great grandfather, Lewis, who raised my mother was a true farmer Brown! She said he would have loved talking plants and gardens with me. He would always grow a large patch of lettuce and onions and other vegetables. You've got to understand my great grandfather, as he has been described to me, he was competitive. Besides farming, and maintaining a garden, he also loved to fox hunt. Apparently, Brownfied had a group of fox hunters back in the day. Regardless of his race in those days, grandfather was allowed to fox hunt and was known to be good at it (different times and different ways back then). So that is who he was. Every year he and 2 or 3 of his buddies would compete to see who would show up at church first with a brown paper bag filled with lettuce and green onions from their garden! They were all farmers and they would plant their seeds, baby them the way I am doing mine, and then compete to see who could produce the first crop within their group! Mom had us laughing about her memories of how he tended to his lettuce and onion crop to be the first one at church with his bag full! Then she made my heart swell, she said, "Your great granddad and you would have had so much fun together babying those lettuce plants of yours! He always took great pride in his garden!" That is the first time she has ever told that story♥

As usual, dinner was at the parent's house Friday evening. Mom made the best chicken and dressing ever. Then Sista brought over her world famous veggie soup! And dad brought the drinks. I generally bring my appetite and a ready source of entertainment! Nothing too exciting other than watching dad open his RX drugs the VA had delivered to the house. The VA has him set up to where he doesn't have to go to the pharmacy anymore. He did read off all his prescriptions as he unpacked them though, that was sort of exciting-not! If anything else exciting happened, I was not aware of it since I went up front and laid on the couch for a nap. I was sleepy last night. I did dream I heard the door bell and yelled out to Dad someone was at the door. Bless his heart after he finally got to the door, he determined that I dreamt it, since he still hadn't gotten around to changing the battery! Oh well! My bad! That's about as exciting as it got, that I know of! Lol

I decided to post a synopsis of what happened last weekend that was on the funny side. As you can tell, I am very blessed to have a wonderfully fun family. Come back and visit again, and this flowerchic will see what she can come up with to entertain, make you think, or LOL!

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