Friday, April 6, 2012


Up with the birds this morning and its my day off. :) Happy Good Friday everyone! Lights on in the kitchen, coffee being made, Caity's stretching in her doggy abode, Ziggy's giving himself his morning bath, and I'm yawning as I type. Today's agenda?  Shopping for zucchini, squash, asparagus, baked potatoes, & all the other things needed for supper. Plus, getting the seafood and veggies prepped for grilling out. However this morning, I'm getting my house in ship shape for family.

I'm taking a break from re-shelving my books back into my entryway bookshelf. I'm finding this chore not to be so much a chore as a love. I'm randomly flipping through books as I place them on the shelves, and dusting them off. I notice myself smiling as I perform this task, because I love my books and I love to read. As I shelve each book, I'm reliving the storyline as I go, when reading the titles and authors on the spines of each one. I've totally reorganized the entry way to make it more efficient and organized.

The other day I was reading the book of Numbers in my bible study. I was at the part where in my mind, God is making a big deal about the blowing of the horn when He wants to assemble Moses and the people. One blast, assembles to tribal heads, two blasts the tribal heads and the people. The order of movement starts with the east side of the camp, and then the south side of the camp when heading out to the tent of meetings with Him. At face value, you wonder why the specific order? Why the attention to detail? I find when I ask questions about the smallest of details in my study, it is there that God gives me great revelation, because I have noticed that God is into the details. Rather than just reading through my scriptures, I am learning that when I stop and mosey into the specifics that catch my attention, It is there that I find the character of God.

Think how many people there were in these great procession of movement to the tent of meetings. Without order there would be chaos. Beside being a God of detail, God is a God of order. Both of these characteristics are a big deal with God. He is the great orchestrator of all creation. In God's world, there has to be order! If they all moved at once, mayhem would occur. Think about what happens when we all pray at once for something to occur in our lives. It's not just our situation that God is in charge of arranging things to work for our situation. Its the trickle affect, that shifting of the whole world in some way. This revelation has taught me to be more patient in waiting for my prayer requests to manifest. God's got me until my prayer is answered, but there is a whole lot of shifting going on in the Kingdom to work out the logistics of our prayers. No longer do I see God waving His magic wand over my situation. God is into what is excellent for me, and for you and those connected to our prayer request. God remembers every prayer. Once the prayer of faith is met, it instantly falls in line with God's order of procession.

Well, speaking of order of procession, I must get back to moving my day along, so that I can throw this great celebration feast together for my family. Remember what this weekend celebration is all about. It is about the coming together of God and Christ's Plan for salvation of Jews and Gentiles. Their Plan was to allow Christ to be our Redeemer by the laying down of His life willingly, so that we as believers could be one with He and the Father through the forgiveness of our sins daily. Christ became the final sin offering for all mankind throughout all generations. It is because of this Plan, that we as believers approach the throne of God with boldness, and confidence as children of God, that He hears our prayers of faith, and acts in our best interest to bless us.


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