Saturday, August 11, 2012

Daughter Moments With My Dad

My favorite parent/daughter moment? Laughing and having fun sitting on my parent's couch next to my dad playing with his new jitterbug phone, sending text messages, and photos to Sista, and trying to figure out how best to customize his phone for his needs. The cool part? Me on the line with tech support and him sitting across from me at one point, with his arms crossed casually across his midsection and his one leg draped across the other "just a swinging" with not a care in the world, as I conveyed which phone options he wanted to keep, and those he wanted discarded to customize his phone just the way he wanted. I had tech support on speaker phone and I'd ask him questions. He'd nod his head "Yes" or he'd nod "No" to what he wanted, all the while sitting there all so casually, and I bet thinking, "Wow, this thing of raising two daughters sure has paid off!" ♥

I told him to not worry about the technical side of how to get things to work the way he wanted, to just tell me what he wanted, and technical support and I would make it happen. After he accepted that, he total relaxed with all this new technology. I reminded him of when we were kids, he and mom took care of all the techie stuff we had not a clue about, and he said, "Yeah, now that we're old, you guys that care of all this new stuff!" I said, "Yeah, just sit back and say, "Handle it, handle it," with the wave of your hand, in a shooing motion. We just laughed!

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