Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Hunter, & The Hunted. The Preyer & The Prey. Satan & His Influence.

Every headline in the news is either the result of good or of evil. For the most part, you can categorize what goes under which column. Humans are spirit led. Our inner spirit activates our soul to act in one direction or another, for evil or for good. Satan knows this. Satan's sole motivation is to kill, steal what's not his, and ultimately destroy us. And the thing is, Satan doesn't operate with a team mentality. If he can get two souls to take each other out, by either killing each other, stealing one from another, or destroying each other's lives, that's a 2-for-1, win-win gain for Satan. 

Take every negative headline in the news, and there you will find Satan at work. He finds a weak spirit of an individual, that he can influence, trick thru deception, pride, covetness, or love of foolishness, or some other sin, in order to kill, steal, or destroy not only that individual, but many more if possible. Satan can even get others to condemn, and turn on themselves to kill, lose what's theirs, and destroy their future.

Satan is elated when he can get two fools, that have allowed him to influence them to eradicate each other, after first using both to cause havoc on the lives of others, and then fatally turn on one another, destroying both lives for all intent and purposes, its how he rolls! Satan and sin are nobodies friend.

We in society call it racism, but it's Satan playing one against the other. We call it rape, but it's Satan using one or more to prey against the innocent. We call it human trafficking, but it's not. It's the sin lust and power overwhelming the weak to kill, steal, and destroy. We call it white color crime, blue color crime, we call it murder, but it's just another name for Satan, and what we allow him to talk us into activating our spirits to do to our own souls, and the souls of others. 

"MURDER!", "MURDERER!", "MURDERERS!" is yelled in the streets. What It really is, is the influence of Satan acted upon, to create death. It's a conscience decision on an individual to not say, "No," to the spirit. Instead, they choose to act in an unrighteous manner.

When we fail to acknowledge God in our lives, when we fail to accept Christ as our Savior, allowing Him to lead us, influence us, and act on our behalf, when we fail to renew our minds in His Word daily, we open the door to our inner spirit to be influenced into killing, stealing, and destroying not just our soul, but the souls of others. 


Thursday, July 18, 2013


"According to infowars.com Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., rejected the now-viral image showing the late civil rights leader wearing a hoodie just like the one Travyon Martin wore the night of his death.

“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would very likely not wear a hoodie,” she said. “I can assure you he would not wear sagging pants.”~Your Daily Dose of Conservatism
I love pictures of Dr. King in a brown suit and his fedora. To each his own. The question is, "Who are you on the inside, not the outside, though it is nice if you look nice both ways. Then again, explain "nice." Nice to me? Nice to you? Nice to your teenager? Nice to your grandmother? Nice to someone who lives in France, or England, or South Africa, or Brazil, or someone living in the rain forest, the dessert, someone old, someone young... Is what we see fear, acceptability, disapproval, love, hate? A lot of things we need to check ourselves on. Fear, love, compassion, ego, bravado, stupidity, acceptance with ones own self, hardheadedness, can change what is, to what is not. The condition of our mind filters what we see. It can see clearly, or it can distort what simple is in front of us. Hum...just a thought. Be Blessed.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hum...sometimes that's all you can say. This world is not our home. It is not a fair place to live. Nor is it a safe place always. It is not a place we can look for answers to our most heartfelt questions. It does not qualify as all wise, where wise decisions come from. The society we live in today, will break your heart, if your faith is in it, and it alone. To find peace, justice, a place to lay your weary head, your injustices, your broken heart...you gotta go elsewhere. Elsewhere is God. You gotta go deep, and you gotta go wide, into Jesus' embrace, where you can rest your exhausted soul and body at His feet. With a heartfelt cry, you cry out, "Heal me Lord. I can't carry it, nor can I contain it all within me, it's just too much to bear. My heart is in two pieces. Can You mend it for me, and while you do, can I just rest here for awhile?" "I'm a little weary right now. I need to steal away from this place." That's what we have to do sometimes. When it gets to be too much, we have to do like John did, and rest on Jesus' heart. We have to feel His heartbeat, His warmth, and let Him stroke our hair, like our mother did. We have to breath in sync with Jesus, and rest. And then you stay there. You stay there till you can stand again. Never on your own two feet, because that's not how we, the Redeemed roll anymore. We walk with Jesus, our Lord-with God. It's just sometimes we have to turn our back to the world, and face God for our strength. When we are ready again, we take His hand and we go out, out there, wherever He has led us, and we pick up our vow to lead other to Him. We share the gospel, we do our assigned "thing" and we go on about our business as we carry our cross. We do so in a restored strength, of One who knows how this world can be sometimes.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


As I am studying 1Kings11 today, I keep going back to the book of Deuteronomy 11:26 & 30:19 as God judges Solomon for turning away from Him-God & His laws and begins serving and worshiping other Gods. In Deuteronomy, to the tribes of Israel, God had said, as Heaven is a witness, before you are blessing and curses, choose blessing so that you and your children may live a bless life. He says, I want you to choose blessings. In the book of Kings 11, Solomon had chosen curses over blessing by his disobedience. Solomon chose to turn away from God. As a result, God is faithful to His agreement to David and Solomon. In 1 Kings 11:14, 23, & 26 the judgement begins. God raises up adversaries against Solomon. He looses his hedge of protection that God had provided, enemies were allowed in the nation. God sends His Prophet Ahijah even to one of Solomon's adversaries, "Then he said to Jeroboam, “Take ten of these pieces, for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and I will give ten of the tribes to you! For Solomon has abandoned me and worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians; Chemosh, the god of Moab; and Molech, the god of the Ammonites. He has not followed my ways and done what is pleasing in my sight. He has not obeyed my decrees and regulations as David his father did." (1 Kings 11:31, 33 NLT)

God is serious! God watches over His own Words and His covenants, & who He is in covenant with.

As Americans of this great country-The United States of America we have got to be careful who we allow to lead our country. This is why we cannot elect our President, or members of Congress based upon foolishness such as race, what the color of their skin is or is not, culture, gender, or based upon bitterness of the past, or whether they have too much money. Since when does a person's income as a leader trump their ability to lead?

For America and Americans to begin receiving her blessings back as one nation under God, we are going to have to turn around, and kick this "HOPE & CHANGE bill of goods that was sold to the majority,to the curb.


Monday, July 8, 2013


When studying Romans 6 & 7, I learned some pretty awesome things regarding condemnation. One of the insights I learned is in regard to this mindset of, "Don't condemn me because I sin differently than you do," and how I feel about that excuse, because basically, that is what that statement is all about. It is a defiant, defense mechanisim for being caught in sin. For me, since meditating on condemnation as written by the apostle Paul, it's not just about me taking the beam out of my eye, and you taking the beam out of you eye, it's more than that, because we all do sin, and we all will sin, whether we are the Redeemed in Christ, or not. We don't want to sin, nor is it our goal to sin. But what we all have in common is, we are human, and humans will sin. Guess what? God the Creator knows this about us. It's nobody's dirty little secret. So why are we boasting about our sins, being different than someone else's sin?  Sin is sin! Accept you have been "busted" regardless of who by, and do something about the sin. Simple.

The 10 Commandments, and the laws of God's written Word are guides to our behavior and our lifestyle of how we are to live in right standing with God, and so as not to live our present life, or our eternal life in misery. If we are the Redeemed in Christ, that IS our goal, right? There is a difference between condemnation and conviction to the sinning person's ear. Condemnation sounds like, "You have sinned against the laws of God, and that's it, you've done it now. You or I may have sinned against the laws of God, and that in and of itself, may be a fact, but condemnation adds, that you, nor I will never recover. That is of the devil. The laws of God in His Word, and the 10 commandments will convict you and I when we have sinned, however they add, but by the grace of God, and thru the redemption of Jesus Christ, you and I can repent of our sin, and receive the forgiveness of Christ. 

So let us NOT go around boasting any longer, "I sin, you sin, we all sin." That mindset will not absolve you, nor I of our sin. The sin is a fact, and this kind of talk will not make it go away, plus it is a useless argument with God. As I believe the apostle Paul was trying to teach in Romans 6 & 7, the laws of God are good, they show us the way we are to live the good life God intended for us. We cannot live the laws without God, however, we are not allowed to go on sinning. It is because Christ is the antidote to sin that we can be granted forgiveness of our sins. So let us boast no more of our sin when brought to the light, instead, let us be thankful for the light, as we take our sin to Jesus-who is the light of the world. Be blessed.


Saturday, July 6, 2013


I've often wondered why the author(s) of the OT spent so much time describing in such detail over and over, book after book the building of Solomon's temple for God. I know now. We mean way more to God than wood and stone overlaid with gold. He's trying to drive home that point. If He'll fuss this much over detail for a building, think how much thought He puts into planning our lives. So from now on, I'm going to enjoy reading all the repetitive play by play descriptions of what Solomon's temple looked like. For we-our hearts are the temple of God. He likes places where He dwells to be spic and span clean, & full of excellence. Amen. So let us work hard, within God's grace to keep a pure heart for Him dwell within us, by renewing our minds daily in His Word.

In reading 1Kings 6, it took 7 years for King Solomon to build the temple of God. From the door post at the entrance of the temple, down to the floors were overlaid with gold. The tables were of gold, the doors even were of gold too. God's temple-the one He told David to prepare for and Solomon to finish was designed and made according to what was reflected in heaven where there was no lack. This temple was built as God instructed down to the most minute detail. God is not some shabby, do it just any ole way kind of God. When we bring our prayer request to Him, He's got it covered. So boldly approach His throne, and ask for exactly what you need. Cause whatever you ask is not got going be no big thing for God.

Listen to this. "Solomon also made all the furnishings for the Temple of God: the gold altar; the tables for the Bread of the Presence; the lampstands and their lamps of solid gold, to burn in front of the Most Holy Place as prescribed; the flower decorations, lamps, and tongs—all of the purest gold; the lamp snuffers, bowls, dishes, and incense burners—all of solid gold..."http://bible.us/116/2ch.4.19.nlt

"Then Huram cast a great round basin, 15 feet across from rim to rim, called the Sea. It was 71/2 feet deep and about 45 feet in circumference. It was encircled just below its rim by two rows of decorative gourds. There were about six gourds per foot all the way around, and they were cast as part of the basin." http://bible.us/116/1ki.7.23.nlt

"The Sea was placed on a base of twelve bronze oxen, all facing outward. Three faced north, three faced west, three faced south, and three faced east, and the Sea rested on them. The walls of the Sea were about three inches thick, and its rim flared out like a cup and resembled a water lily blossom. It could hold about 11,000 gallons of water." http://bible.us/116/1ki.7.25.nlt

As the Redeemed in Christ, we serve a God of detail, who takes great care with all that concerns Him. We are more precious than gold or silver to Him, so much so that He sacrificed His son Jesus for our sins, so that we would not be bound by this world of sin, but receive our freedom through acceptance of Jesus Christ-a new life. A life where sin could be repented that is heartfelt, and forgiveness be given thru Christ. So when I read of the plans God gave to King David and to King Solomon for the building of the Temple of God, I see that the same care is given in the plans God has for me. I can trust that God is working all the logistics out for prayers that I pray, and for the life that He has given me to live. For my heart is the Temple of God too, and He takes great care with me as well.