Sunday, September 30, 2012


Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity or PCCI are needed when determining the longevity of any relationship, whether it be a male/female, employee/employer, or a friend relationship, and even in  political or  governmental relationships. Studying a person's or an entity's PCCI is a fail proof method, if you give yourself the time to allow the process to work. The focus of this article will mainly be about relations between persons, but can also apply to relationships with organizations or entities as well. So here it is again, the acronym PCCI stands for P=principles, the first C=convictions, the second C=character, and lastly I=integrity.

The process of finding a person's Principles, Convictions, Character and Integrity will allow you to see without the aid of rose colored glasses, past all the window dressing, and allow your emotions and hormones a much needed break as to the type of person you are in relationship with, or are considering entering into relationship with. This is especially true for emotions, and/or hormones, because they seem to kick up the most dust, and cloud your vision as to which path to take, as far as, who in your best interest stays, and who goes, relationship wise. Principles, Convictions, Character and Integrity shape who the other person is, and who you are as a person.

Principles determine Conviction, Convictions determine Character, and Character determines Integrity. A person's PCCI will give you a heads up on how they will handle any given situation in and outside of a relationship with you.

Determining a person's PCCI requires patience though. That's why relationship gurus are forever telling us not to get caught up in the touchy, the feely, and eye candy aspects on first dates. Instead, on the first date go dutch, and allow for randomly switching off on picking up the tab. Dates between attracted opposite genders are opportunities to determine each other's Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity. Dates should not be about conjuring up series of strategies for becoming fully vested, just yet. The same holds true when interviewing for a job. As an applicant, ask questions of that potential supervisor that will give you an idea about what type of management style they have, find out what type of company you're interviewing to work for, who their clients are, and what their vision statement is. Vision statements don't have to be written or formal. Walk into any McDonald's and stick around long enough to people watch. Look at how they handle their customers, and you can figure out their vision statement. I interviewed for a job, and by the end of the interview the person hiring told me thru my questions asked, and them volunteering information, that they slandered past employees by name, were a gossiper in sharing their employee's business, would dig up information about employees and use it against them, by black balling them when potential managers called for references. I got the letter in the mail telling me I did not get the job, and considered it a bullet dodged.

While determining a person's Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity remember to do 2 things as well. One, love yourself enough to take your time. Two, trust your gut instinct. Gut instinct says, "It looks like this, it seems like this, but "Something" is telling me it's the opposite." And always, always, always, if you ever get the smallest inkling of fear-remove yourself immediately, and end all contact. Fear is a game changer-that's flat out God cutting to the chase, and telling you this is not the relationship for you. Get out of the relationship as fast as you can.

So there you have it, Principles determine Convictions, Convictions determine Character, Character determines Integrity. Good relationships are time-released journeys where you get to, at the appropriate time, experience emotional and physical joys, periods of ups and downs, and healthy periods of feast and famines when it comes to a desire for togetherness. For me, I'm learning it's best to search out the basics first in any type of relationship I am considering, then invest myself, after I determine if it's even worthy of my time.

I am a Christian, so it goes without saying, one should pray before, during, and throughout, any and every relationship. God is the center of every aspect of my life, so it's just a given for me. Because I am a Christian blogger, and I blog about my  relationship with God, as well as my other relationships, I don't know if I am writing strictly for myself, or for someone else; for the present, or for something that may occur in the future. Mercy me, while reading this post, I pray you'll determine for yourself, if this article is for you, or not, for now, or for a later relationship as well. I will end with this answer, God only knows, and time will tell. Basically that's what this article is all about, slowing down the pace in forming relationships, and taking the time to focus on determining which are worthy of our time. Some relationships are long lasting, others are but for a season. The key is to know which is which, and at what point we decidedly move on.


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