Monday, September 10, 2012


Sometimes life is not all that complicated. Today is one of those days.This afternoon I took Caity out to take care of doggie business, and afterwards I let her roam around the property. Just so you know, the temperature is a breezy 50+ degree day, absolutely wonderful out! So part of her time spent was watching the neighbor boys down the street playing street basketball. In case you don't understand the lingo, that is where you play basketball in the middle of the street, when there's no cars coming, and you "hot dog" your abilities shirtless in front of family, girlfriends, and neighbors. Only in small town America can you still do this. I don't know who won, or even if it really mattered much to them. It was just a moment of watching simple fun.

After watching street ball for awhile, I decided Caity and I should take advantage of the perfect weather by sitting out in the yard, for soon fall, then winter would be nipping at our heals. As usual once winter comes, we'd wish for summer the first time we were stuck in the house, due to being snow bound.

Last week was my vacation and I went nowhere, just hung out around town enjoying my favorite junk spots. Now that was nothing to sneeze at, since junking is my all time favorite activity.  I found two really cool things. One, was another side table for sitting outside with friends, and second, was a $4 wooden box for Caity. It's just a plain ole box. When I brought it to the counter, the owner asked me why I was buying it, and what my intentions were for it? Like I said, the box was plain and nothing particularly exciting about it. Well, my intent in the back of my sometimes creative mind was to  turn it into a wooden deck for Caity the dog, Now how cool was that. Yeah, well she wasn't all that much more impressed than you are at reading this I'm sure. But trust me, I had a plan.

Caity's DIY deck debuted as a hit. Today, I sat in my favorite Adirondack chair, and she on her deck. She actually napped on it for a short period. Most times she wants to sit on my lap, on my side table, on my chair arm, or over my shoulder. Not all that relaxing for fur momma. Caity always thinks there's plenty of room for her.

Speaking of simplicity, I am blogging outside in said Adirondack chair (without Caity, she kept getting her leash tangled) watching Ziggy the cat lounging in the window. We've been talking back and forth at each other through the screen window.

Even my parents have begun to ride the waves of simplicity. This morning I called my mom to see if we were having church. I wasn't sure if I heard right, that my pastor would still be at church conference today. During our conversation, she asked, "Well why you don't you get on the computer and see if church conference is still in session. I'm like, "Oh yeah, I can get on twitter and see if Bishop Bryant has tweeted anything. My church Bishop is a huge tweeter! He tweets every morning, every day, and I follow him on twitter. Of course he does not follow me on twitter, cause you follow one member, and you gotta follow them all. However, I do occasionally do a shout out for me and my church, and he always shouts back, "Hey family," which is pretty cool. So I read her his tweet, where he was inviting everyone in the area to join him for the last day of annual conference. Dilemma solved!

I'd say my precious momma has past the stage of threatening to buy a computer, to now anticipating buying one. I fully expect her to call me up on her red Jitterbug phone or text me, now that she has learned how, and tell me she's ready to catch the wave of simplicity and start surfing the WEB. Too funny!

So here's hoping you too are enjoying a day of simplicity! COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC next time, and we'll ride the wave, and see what the tide brings in.


                                                                                                                Photo by Andrew Mulligan

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