Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today is blog day. I can't think of anything to blog about. I certainly don't want to relive or blog about the tornadoes! You see I live in the mid-central part of the U.S. So its been a a very long week with tornadoes passing thru towns near and around my city, which is not far from Harrisburg IL, twice this week. So....think. Think. Think Flowerchic. First and foremost, I need a cup of Java. Is there anything better than opening a vacuum pack of Maxwell House coffee? First you hear the hiss, then the aroma of fresh ground coffee!
I think I'll need french toast to help me come up with a fresh topic! Yep, I'm thinking that's what I need to go do first.

There are keys to making good french toast. One, you have to have fresh eggs, then french bread cut thick, good bacon and bacon grease, real butter, I use organic milk, cause it just tastes better to me, a dab of cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg. For sure, you must have 100% pure maple syrup. You don't have to go so far as to tap a tree yourself, or pay a lot of money. I buy the Private Select brand by Kroger. Note you can never drizzle too much syrup on french toast. Oh, and back to the bacon, buy the no name brand from the butcher cut thick. My sister taught me this tip. 

The next key is to plate you french toast on a platter. Yep, a platter. Don't scrunch it all up on a plate, one on top of another, Single layer all the way baby!  Scoop some butter on top of each, lay your bacon on there and drizzle till your heart is content with maple syrup. Then dig in! You got the butter taste mixed in with the salty bacon taste, mixed in with the sweet taste of maple um ummmmm! Next, you take a sip of your coffee, then your cold milk. If the cold milk is too much for you, cut it all back with a glass of ice water. 

I know there is some of you out there thinking, "Why go thru all that trouble when I can get in the car and drive to a dive and have someone else do all the work?" Because it ain't the same baby! French toast with thick sliced bacon, coffee with real cream, and a glass of milk will cost you an arm and a leg first off! Second, this kind of meal must be made with some good ole fashion, homemade, love behind it! Can't no stranger slaving over a grill for 8 hours give that to you! It's priceless!

Well...I'm still trying to decide what I'm gonna blog about! I'm sure something will come to mind! Tee-Hee!

Oh, I have a fav song of mine to share with you below. Peace, love, and joy to ya, Flowerchic!

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