Monday, May 28, 2012

What Does It Mean To Fear The Lord?

I was just meditating on what it means for a believer in Christ to "Fear the Lord."  Personally, it is to revere, or hold in deep respect, who God is, and all that He asks. Obedience and submission is not done solely to avoid the wrath of God, but because I know that God's askance of what I do, or don't do is so that I don't have to deal with the consequences that are associated with an act. Every action has a built in consequence, be it a good consequence, or a bad consequence. For me, as a believer, to fear the Lord is for me to revere, or respect what God's written Word says. If God says, "This is something I do not want you to do, or it is an abomination" i.e. I deeply dislike ______fill in the blank, then, I can be a foolish woman and do it anyways, or I can fear the Lord, and be a wise woman knowing that there is a built in consequence to my disobedience, and revere or hold in deep respect what God says to do, or not do, as the case may be.

In other words, for me to willing know that God hates an act, and to know He desires for me to not engage or participate in doing something, and I do so anyways, means it's all on me, not God. I have no right to blame Him, because I must deal with the consequences of my actions. But, I as a believer in Christ, have EVERY right to run to God and ask for forgiveness, and repent of my stupidity! God is all about leaving His door wide open for our repentance. But understand, we will never get God to change His mind on what He considers sin. If that's your goal, get over it, it will never happen. If God says, "Stop it, don't do it," then cut it out of your life! Fear the Lord, and make it easier on yourself. God is telling you not to, or to do so for all good reasons.

Stay blessed. FLOWERCHIC

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