Sunday, November 18, 2012


I've come to learn how to withstand a lot of things that happen to me that I would rather not have had touch my life. Time after time, I've learned to lean into the wind rather than let situations blow me away. At one point, it felt as if I were being bombarded with unpleasantness. Deep within my Spirit, I felt God telling me to just keep standing. I couldn't understand why He just couldn't make it to where I never experienced these things, or at least make them go away quickly. Didn't He understand my plight? Tonight I had an epiphany. It's about two things. One, it's about me learning to live life out thru faith, from now until. Two, it puts Satan on notice, that no matter what you throw at this girl, she will stand on the principles of God, and still maintain her peace. Tonight something happened to me that every time it does, it stirs me. This time when it happened to me, I decided, " I'm past losing my peace over this." Finally, I understand what God was trying to teach me. Yes, He could remove it. But, because I was letting it bother me so much, Satan would just keep doing it to me, and stealing my peace. God wanted me to get to the place, where the next time Satan pulled that on me I would keep my peace, and continue to lean into the wind and just keep on walking, keep on living, keep on keeping on.

Stay blessed.


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