Tuesday, January 1, 2013


In raising my sister and me, my parents always encouraged us to try new things. When it came to new foods, it worked with me, but not so with my sister. We always went grocery shopping when Daddy got paid. Once in teaching us not to be afraid of trying new things and failing even, my mom bought a tiny jar of caviar. Now, one would think what a waste for a family with 2 small kids living off a plant worker's earnings, but not my mom. You see, my parents brought us up on life's lessons and new experiences. Some you lived thru yourself, and others you learned by watching others. Some result in successes and others in failures. Regardless, we were taught to never fear change, because change is inevitable.  I remember us all gathering around the kitchen table with crackers and small mounds of caviar on top. With the exception of sister, it was a hit! It was the only jar we ever bought, but it was a fun experience! I guess that's where my love of different foods came from, and my love of cooking. So today, us girls went shopping for the new year! I bought more octopus! I love it! They had gnocchi on sale, so in the buggy it went. I've always wanted to see what it tasted like. I got my chi tea concentrate. I have a recipe and I'm sure it would be best if I made it myself, but I decided to try the quick method. I may regret it later, I'll let you know. I found my favorite olive oil on sale. You may think that EVOO is EVOO regardless of brand name, but I beg to differ. My two favorites are STAR and Colavita. Especially STAR, makes a difference in dipping toast with parmesan cheese melted on top. I also used it for dipping a garlic spinach toast in too. Oh, la, la! It's simple, and went over big at a family dinner once. So good, my sister got up and a toasted another cookie sheet full. I had to remind them that I was serving dinner too! LOL. Oh, egg rolls-I got 2 boxes. I love egg rolls for lunch at work. Let's see, what else? Well the rest of my purchases were just good bargains. So I stocked up on them. SMH I almost forgot! The other day I threw together a spaghetti sauce that was out of this world! My best spaghetti sauce is made in the summer when I grow my herbs fresh, but this was a throw together, out of jars and tins! Parsley, oregano, nutmeg, sea salt, garlic, chopped orange peppers, mushrooms, black olives, tomato sauce, and ground beef. Parmesan cheese at the end, and it was heavenly! I was out of basil even, and it was still delish! Now what else? Oh yeah, I returned a Christmas gift and bought an 8 quart stock pot. I have needed one this size for cooking. I had a small one and a large one, but not a medium sized one. I all but skipped down the aisle with it nestled in my shopping cart.  All in all, my quiver is full of fun goodies, ready to be tried out for a new experience. What a fun way to begin the new year!~FLOWERCHIC

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