Thursday, January 24, 2013

What's Right? What's Wrong? The Question is Rhetorical, "What Does The Word Of God Say?"

"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8 New Living Translation (NLT)

There is right, and there is wrong, based upon the Word of God. Otherwise we will have chaos in our world. We never have the authority to determine whether or not God's Word applies to us as human beings. His Word always applies to us. Did any of us create ourselves? Did any of us formulate The Plan of creation, or set the foundation of the earth, or how it all works? How can we as humans change The Plan of God and His creation, when we were created only to be apart of The Plan, not authors of The Plan? And how can changes be made to a plan that is not our own to begin with. None of us can save or destroy another's soul. The final destination of each of our souls however, is in God's authority, and His alone. The Judgement will come through His Son, Jesus Christ. You can speak against what is wrong according to the Word of God without being evil, but in love. That is the key. Speak the truth and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit and to God. But to speak the truth, you must not just speak the words, you must understand the truth. To understand the truth, you must study the truth, and have a relationship with the author of the truth. For a man or woman to just speak the words, but not have a relationship with Father God is where evil begins, and it is where the danger is of becoming one's own god. 

The relationship between Christians is to always interceded for one another. As Christians, we are to never allow Satan to lead us astray, or our bothers and sisters. We can speak up and speak the truth from the Word of God without fear of sinning. As fellow Believers of Christ, we are to recognize, accept, and obey the Word of God as final authority. We are not to plead ignorance of the Word of God, by avoiding studying and renewing our own minds in God's Word daily for ourselves. Nor are we to neglect the assembly of other believers in a church setting. Jesus Christ specifically speaks of His love of the church. Christ is not anti church, far from it. He has every intention of coming back for His church. 

We absolutely are not allowed to go off scripture and, "Do OUR own thing" or "Do whatever we want to do Our own way." And we should always be of a good heart to pray against whatever God's Word speaks against. And pray for whatever God's Word speaks support of. Don't let Satan confuse your mind, or tie your hands about speaking against what God says is wrong or is right. To not do so, is to turn our world over to Satan to reign. Satan's allowed, brief time to reign, before his final destruction has not yet come. Satan is NOT to rule our world. We as Christians have work to do-telling the Good News about our Christ, so as to lead souls into the Kingdom of God. We cannot tell our four and no more within our families. Salvation is for the masses, abundant living is for the masses, healing and provision is for the masses. We are to leave no friend, no foe, no family, no stranger, nor the bad, nor the good behind. We as Christ's disciples are to lead them to Christ to benefit as we do from the Father's Plan.

If you do not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, I invite you to do so. He is awesome! To die on the cross for you and I, the way He did, so that we can have a relationship with His father, means He thinks His daddy God is like no other! God is the Creator of all things, and love is one of those things. You will never find anyone else that will love you more than the Creator of love. 

Salvation is very simple, "God I believe You sent your Son, Jesus Christ from heaven to earth to be born of a virgin, Mary; I believe He died on the cross, and was raised from the dead on the third day, with the sole purpose to save my soul from death, for which He took my place instead. I repent of, and am sorry of all my sins, and I give them to You, Jesus. Come into my heart, and set up residence there forever. Amen." Praying that is all there is too accepting Christ as your Saviour!

What is right? What is wrong? The answer to those two questions, will never be what I determine it to be. I can never do my OWN thing, my OWN way, if my OWN way and my OWN thing is in direct conflict with the final authority of the Word of God. If I do, I am no longer in the will of God. To be clear, what I would be is a disobedient, saved, Believer in Christ swimming in the same cesspool of sin with the unsaved. Once again, there is a way out of sin, through true repentance, or sorriness of sin before God as a Believer who has chosen to sin. Because we are saved by grace once, thru the repentance of sin, and have Jesus as our Redeemer, does not mean we will never again go to God to ask for repentance of our sins committed after becoming saved.

Forgiveness of sin will always begin on our knees at the feet of our Lord with repentance, for the saved and the unsaved alike.  

The Lord Has No Equal

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?
Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
Does he need instruction about what is good?
Did someone teach him what is right
or show him the path of justice? Isaiah 40:12-15 NLT


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