Monday, January 16, 2012


I was watching a video earlier about a person despising religion, and it got me to thinking...hum. These are my hodge podge thoughts. Christianity is a religion. So is Islam. So is Hinduism. Whether you or I are a Baptist, Methodist, or Episcopalian, is what denomination we are a part of. A person can switch religions, if they choose and they can switch denominations. But to be a believer in God, you must be a believer in Christ. There is no opting out of Jesus Christ. You can hate political parties, chose one over the other, but you will find Christians in both parties. There are Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans. You can refuse to go to church standing on principle that you don't want to be religious, but the disciples created churches in homes of believers crossing all cultures and races throughout the world. You can hate religion because you say it causes wars but God is not apart of that. People cause wars. You can say I don't go to church because churches make you follow rules. You are right, the rules of the church are made based on the Word of God. And whether you like it or not, so is heaven. Jesus was about rules and principles given by His Father, and He carried them out to the letter. You don't want to be a Christian because they are a bunch of hypocrites, well at least they are trying. Christian or not, none of us are perfect. But a practicing Christian as unperfected as he or she may be, who goes to church, and states they follow the religion of Christianity, renews their mind daily in God's written Word, under the institution of a church denomination or so called non-denomination are getting better and better each day at being imitators of Christ. You can't do that sitting on the sidelines criticizing. Check back with them in a year, cause of the Word of God, It changes people for the better. You won't recognize them a year later, if they are committed to changing. You don't like authority figures or following directions from others, so that's why you've not said the sinner's prayer or accepted Jesus as your Savior, or joined a church, or pay any tithes, call God a Divine being or the universe, instead of Creator God, Father of Jesus Christ, and you detest religion? Pick up the Word of God and you will find He requires all of the above before He will accept you into His kingdom.

God is not just some cool dude you hang out with. He is that, and so much more! God loves His church, its body of believers, His pastors, His prophets, His teachers, His evangelists, His intesessors, His nursery workers, His greeters, His urshers, His etc. He loves those in the church and He reaches out to those outside the church and loves them too. But He's got rules. They are not to cut your fun out, but to extend your life and make it more fruitful and abundant!

Don't stand on the outside hating the institution of church or religion, join and make them better. Do Christian always want to go to church? Nope, but thats my flesh speaking out, and it has nothing to do with it (I'm speaking honestly for myself here.)  We are to go anyways, because it is a committment to renewing our minds, a committment to the desire of God, "Neglect not the assembly of other believers." If we can't go we are still to pray, renew our minds on our own reading the word, praise and worshipping at home. God wants us to go to church to gain knowledge and strength from other believers. In the midst of praise and worship He shows up and joins in-that is when we realize we are not alone. Ease into it if you are not ready. Find a sevice online or on TV, that is a start. But have a goal of moving toward a church body you can assemble with, and then maintain you online church. You can do both. Neither is a sin. The 12 disciples chosen by Jesus came from inside the church and outside the church. He was always out and about in the market place, speaking about His daddy God. But the devil couldn't keep Him out of the church. He was always in the church reading the words and laws given by the prophets before Him.

But please, please understand what I am trying to communicate. Don't stop short of acknowledging God and thinking Him to be just a cool being. Take the next step, acknowlede Him as Father God, then accept His Son, Jesus Christ as alive and well! Accept that there was always a plan between Him and His Father-God to connect you with the Creator God. So much so that He died on the cross for yours and my sins, so that the Father God would not turn His face out of disgust for our sin, but toward us, so that He could forgive us of our sin. Accept that by asking Jesus to be Your Lord and Savior, that He will forgive you of your sin, which is any lifestyle outside of Him. For when you can believe that, and acknowledge that you have been living a life of your own outside of Him, He-Jesus Christ will claim you as His, and interceed with the Father on your behalf to become a child of God. Then just invite Jesus to be apart of your life. When you can speak thoses words out loud, Jesus hears you, and accepts your plea. That is all there is to the sinners prayers. 

Don't be ashamed to be a Christian and don't be afraid of religion.  Find a church body of believers and join in, but don't expect them to be perfect yet, for neither are you just yet. Go to Lifeway Bookstore or wherever, and ask the sales clerk to help you find an easy to read bible for new believers. Then, enjoy your journey with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit!  

Be blessed.-FLOWERCHIC