Saturday, April 27, 2013


They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men. Act 17:11 NLT

What happens when a nation's hedge of protection is removed? They are no longer hidden from their enemies. The eyes of their enemies are open to a breach in the nation's security. They are not given permission to enter in, it's just that what was once hidden from their sight is no longer hidden, it's exposed as it would have normally been, had there never been a hedge of protection.

How does a nation lose it's Godly hedge of protection? Easy, it pursues, goes after, a "New" god or gods. They, and their nation's leaders resolve they can do better. They look for new gods who will let them do what they want. They begin praying to their new gods, who will let them be free! For example, they create legislation overriding the Creator God's marriage law, for a new law where marriage is no longer between a man and a woman, but is instead legal between same sexes, not only is homosexuality a promoted sin against the Word of God, but it is a protected sin against the Word of God in their courts, the notion that an unborn child has rights in the womb is reviled. The people become their own little "gods" where the sanctity of the unborn life is considered inconvenient, and can be discarded like yesterday's trash. Sound and look familiar? We are indeed being led into a new era. But not all of us are deceived!

It is sad to watch others be deceive by Satan. I'm speaking in regards to the notion that if you don't like the way creator God does things, "I'll just find me a god that allows me to do what I want." The only problem with that is there is no other God, only false gods conjured up by Satan to lead you astray. Satan's goal? To keep you forever searching, and to keep you from accepting Christ. Satan is all about delays, and distractions. That is why I find it hard to agree with the President and some very prominent mega church ministers who join in ceremony in his interfaith prayer vigils. I'm like, "What are you thinking?" All roads do not lead to the same God. Each road leads to a false god, outside of the God of Jesus Christ. These meetings are different from denominational prayers where the Baptist pray with the Methodist, in which case all roads would lead to the same God. I'm watchful, I'm prayerful, and I'm conscience of the intermingling of the goat with the sheep. For it will only be by my own steps by the grace of God to renew my mind in the Word of God daily, that I will hear Him when His Spirit leads me to step aside from the others, and stay close to His-God's side. My hedge of protection comes from creator God, and not the gods of those being led to deceive, or who are deceived. The closer to the Word of God I stay, the less likely I can be led astray. Let us all turn to the God who keeps us safe!

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Interlude

"Remember that the majority is not always right. Don't ever let what the majority is thinking or saying influence you to go against the Word of God."~Bill Winston Ministry


Thursday, April 18, 2013


"Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ within us." AW Tozer

Who would have ever imagined we as a nation would go from one nation under God, to one nation under many gods, and the ring leader would be our own elected President in fostering interfaith prayer meetings of many gods, instead of the one Creator God, who has been the God of this country since it's beginning. The sad that we do know better. We know better, and we know the Word of God. Yet there are those that choose to follow with eyes wide open, but minds swayed by the secular world for a new thing, that is actually an old thing, that God has always said to beware of, for He is a jealous God.

Serve only the L ord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.