Sunday, November 18, 2012


I've come to learn how to withstand a lot of things that happen to me that I would rather not have had touch my life. Time after time, I've learned to lean into the wind rather than let situations blow me away. At one point, it felt as if I were being bombarded with unpleasantness. Deep within my Spirit, I felt God telling me to just keep standing. I couldn't understand why He just couldn't make it to where I never experienced these things, or at least make them go away quickly. Didn't He understand my plight? Tonight I had an epiphany. It's about two things. One, it's about me learning to live life out thru faith, from now until. Two, it puts Satan on notice, that no matter what you throw at this girl, she will stand on the principles of God, and still maintain her peace. Tonight something happened to me that every time it does, it stirs me. This time when it happened to me, I decided, " I'm past losing my peace over this." Finally, I understand what God was trying to teach me. Yes, He could remove it. But, because I was letting it bother me so much, Satan would just keep doing it to me, and stealing my peace. God wanted me to get to the place, where the next time Satan pulled that on me I would keep my peace, and continue to lean into the wind and just keep on walking, keep on living, keep on keeping on.

Stay blessed.


Saturday, November 17, 2012


Luke 22:32-34

New Living Translation (NLT)
32 But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”
33 Peter said, “Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you, and even to die with you.”
34 But Jesus said, “Peter, let me tell you something. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.”

Just because God knows beforehand how mankind will act in a given situation, and does not intervene, does not mean He agrees with our decision. What it means is He allows us free will. He gives us the freewill to make good decisions for ourselves, and He allows us freewill to make bad decisions for ourselves. God makes Himself, through acceptance of His Son, Jesus Christ, available to to us for assistance thru every circumstances. So we must choose wisely. When we don't choose wisely, we must go to God to repent, and receive forgiveness.

Because we are all in this world together, sometimes decisions are made that adversely affect us as a whole. When this happens always know that Jesus Christ is available to you, and God's principles written in His Word are at your fingertips. You must simply determine in your mind, that you will seek only God's Word, as to how you will from now on proceed. Because of God's Plan from the very beginning, Christ has always been the unlocked door in a room with padlocks on all other doors and windows. Luke 11:28 says, "But he [Jesus] said, “Blessed...are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

Anytime we choose our ways instead of God's ways, what will always happen is, we will end up lost-wandering around in the wilderness by ourselves, and trying to survive on our own limited resources. When we choose God's methods, we end up with an unlimited Source, that will provide a way out of nowhere. The sad thing is, until we learn this principle, we have to experience some very cold nights, and some very blistering days on our own, before we are rudely awaken to the consequences of the choices we have made. We strive so hard to have our own way, and in our success in getting our way, we push God off to the side with a sideways comment of, "I got this God." In reading and studying the Word of God, I have noticed that God handles us in a variety of ways. Sometimes God DOES allow us our "own way" instead of intervening. By doing so, our blessings are not withheld by God, but are delayed by our choices. There is a difference. God Himself is not being indifferent. He is simply allowing you to have it your way. For those who DO choose to follow God's way, your provision is in following the principles of God. You will learn those principles only by accepting and following Christ, and reading God's road map to living life-His written word.

Stay blessed.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Prayer For America And Our Newly Elected President

Lord I thank You for Your past blessings upon this nation, and I ask that You continue to bless us as one nation under God. I thank You, that You have not left us alone, for we are not a fatherless nation. We are still a nation with Believers in Christ that holds out to You, and Your Word. That will always be our stand. You have a plan for us, and nothing happens that You don't have foreknowledge of as Creator God. This election process has allowed us to solidify what we believe-Your Word. Barak Obama is president of the United States because You have allowed it. That means any plans he has that are contrary to Your will is subject to Your plan for this nation. I pray that President Obama seeks Your will for this nation for the next 4 years. By doing so, all will be well with him, and with us as citizens. In obedience to Your word, I pray for President Obama and his personal well-being. For he is a part of Your plan, and it is important that he fulfills his role. I thank You for Your protection of both the US and Israel against our enemies. This will not change, other than it will be even greater than before. For no weapon forged against us as nations shall prosper. Your home is in Jerusalem and Your word says that will never change. Father God, it is Your will that we prosper. As believers in Christ, we know how to live an abundant life through Your principles. This election has not changed that. But we ask that You put Your super on our natural and bless us not only financially, but with favor and grace. Bless our economy God. Your are our source. God I do today, as I did yesterday, and the day before, I pray Your will over my life and that of my family and friends and enemies and this nation. Open our eyes, and show us Your will for Your plan. God You are so awesome. All I am and all I do is for your glory. Amen.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hip Hip Hooray! As of today, I have had 2,004 people to read my blog regarding my witness of life with God, my journey to know Him better, and my religion Christianity. Wow. For years I have written to God, and about God from my own experiences. Then one day they turned into poems, then I would have stuff in my head and would write on my hands, napkins, scraps of papers, then I finally bought a small notebook to keep in my purse to catch my thoughts. Then I realized I would wake up at odd times and just write for hours. Each one with titles, one right after another. One day my aunt, daddy's half sister, who I never met died, and in going thru her personal items, I found a book of beautiful handwritten poems she had written too. I felt regret that we had never met, because we were so alike. Like her, I never shared my writings, they were so personal, yet I always had a desire that no one go thru life alone without knowing the goodness of God. Only thru that desire, as it grew stronger and stronger did I decide to share my thoughts. I am a very private person, and I say I am shy. Others, say I am not, but they have no idea how much guts it takes for me to speak up. I better than I used to be. When I speak of God though, He empowers me. I never knew how to write a blog, I never knew how to design a blog page with a header, I never knew how to open a fb page of encouragement. That first day my dad ask me to share my poems in church in front of people, even people I knew and loved, I thought I was having a heart attack. But they listened so intently, and laughed with me. When they came up later and talked to me I was surprised and happy that they were encouraged. I still never want to do that again, but if God ask me to, and I hope He won't, I would obey. I like to just write. I leave it up to Him to draw whomever He decides to draw to my blog. I follow my inner compass of what He wants me to do, and I go about my way. I'm learning to just follow His instructions wherever they led me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Elephant In The Room & At The Kitchen Table In America

This is the elephant in the room. I will speak of it anyways. For years African Americans have wanted a President from their own rank in file, due to the past discriminatory history in this country, that no one can dispute, and the fight for basic civil rights. The thoughts of some was that by doing so, the lives of African Americans would be better, for we did not willing come to this country for better lives, we were brought here against our will to make the lives of others better, more profitable, and easier. So very different than than for other cultures and races who escaped to this country for hope of a better life. Four years later, what some of us have failed to understand is that the color of a man or woman's skin, in comparison to our own, does not hold the power to save us, nor to bring us to our demise. To believe so is prejudices in its own right, and lack of faith in our Father-God.

In our own race, we do not determine leader and followers based on the lightness or darkness of our own skin tones.

The truth is what it is, regardless of what color marker we use to write the letters.