Saturday, February 18, 2012


Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.".

Note how God is a god of His Word. Many years had passed since Abraham had requested proof that he would receive from God all that He had promised him, when God had made a covenant between Himself and Abraham. God made a special trip to visit Abraham in person, to let him know what the appointed time would be when Abraham would receive his heir that God had promised him. 

This is an example of logistics. Abraham believed God, and God granted him his blessing based upon Abraham's faith. But Abraham's blessing did not manifest until God's appointed time. God has a long-term plan for us from the time we take our first breath up until we take our last breath.

The principles of receiving from God are universal. And He, God is no respecter of persons in releasing His blessings. This is a good thing. The key is to master His principles, and like anything else, practice achieves required results. To find out what His principles are you must read His manual-His written word. For how can you achieve a goal if you do not know what is required. To not do so, is like a shot in the dark. God watches over His Word when it is spoken. When it is backed by faith, what you pray for is released. When you release your faith, God releases your blessing, and not until. Its a principle. You can't get caught up in questioning if God will follow thru on His part, or is it God's will? If it is in God's Word, you are good to go on exercising your faith for it. Now there is such a thing as logistics, meaning there is a timetable for every prayer request. And like it or not, we must all adhere to God's timetable. God is all about excellence. Providing His best for us at the perfect time. God is not about any of us accepting second best, because we don't want to wait for the best. If we are at the end of our ledge, He will show up. Abraham and Sarah waited approximately 20 year for a blessing God said He would grant Abraham. 

I really wish I were at the practice makes perfect stage. I'm still striving and learning God's principles like the rest of believers. Wish I were there already. I'll get there. 

The question we have to ask ourselves is are we in a relationship with God or are we still trying God out? Are we still at the stage where we are taking God out for a test drive, or have we moved past that stage?

I am going to make a new start, and ask myself this hard question, and start taking responsibility for my side of my relationship with God. In Jeremiah 29:11, God makes His intentions toward me very clear. How clear am I with my intentions in my relationship with God?

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