Saturday, June 9, 2012

If You Can Grasp This Principle, You Are Well On Your Way To Activating Your Own Blessings

Bless those that curse you and receive your blessing. Curse those who curse you and receive the same curse that you place upon them. Blessing someone who is unworthy, is God's way of drawing them to His Goodness. God blesses you for doing so because you are obedient. Not because they are worthy. God blesses them, thru our obedience as vessels, drawing them like a moth to a flame. When we are apart of God's process, their first question is, "How are they able to bless me when I curse them?" When that question is answered, they see Christ. No human being can curse you anyways, as long as you are walking with God. Only if you start believing they have that kind of power. God's Word says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It is a principle. You bless them regardless, and you receive from God-His blessings, due to your obedience to God. You are taking the opportunity to be blessed, by blessing someone else, and you are giving them the opportunity to be blessed back through the realization that God is a god who blesses those who bless others. Now they have the opportunity to bless someone else as well. Note, the person they in turn bless, may or may not be you. The One doing the blessing is God. The blessings are activated by your giving out obedience to God. Never, look for your blessing to come from them. Its about receiving from God. Not them. It is not about who is worthy in our eyes to be blessed. If you are experiencing lack and are needing more blessings in your life, activate the blessing principle of God, and start blessing others. Take the opportunity to be blessed, and give the same opportunity away to someone else to be blessed! Activate your blessings through His principle. God is the One doing the blessing, and He will bless anyone who works His Kingdom principle.

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