Saturday, December 28, 2013


I just read 2 Cor 5:10, then I read Rev 19:7-8, and lastly I read Rev 22:12. Now is that not cool? That book of deeds was throwing me. I got it though. I'm rather excited!

We will all be judged, both the righteous (those who have repented and made Jesus their Lord and Savior) and the unrighteousness (those who never repent and make Jesus their Lord and Savior), by God based on (2) books; The Book of Life, and The Book of Deeds, but not altogether at the same time.

There are 2 groups of righteous judged at two different times. The first group at the Rapture. The second group at the First Resurrection. Both group's names are written in The Book of life, and both groups receive their white linen robes washed in the blood of the Lamb. The white linen robes are a judgement of their deeds, as determined in The Book of deeds.

So at these 2 different times the righteous are judged. Therefore, neither group fears the Second Death.

The third and final group, the unrighteous, who never repent and make Jesus their Lord and Saviour, are judged based on the same book that is referred to by Paul in the book of 2Cor. 5:10, along with The Book of Life.

See, I thought without study, that God would line us all up at one time and judge us altogether. But after carefully studying the Second Coming/Rapture (and as Oral Roberts would say, "Not to be confused with Second Resurrection) and the book of Revelations, I found that assumption not to be true on my part.

Studying the Word is not boring at all!

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