Maybe this will rest your mind. Before we were created in our mother's womb, we were created in heaven by God. We were but a gift. When we die, regardless of how we die, or when we die, we return to God in heaven who loved us first. Despite the amount of love we give and receive from our families and friends on earth, heaven from day one here, is our ultimate destination. For we were never designed to live forever, only for a period of time. So enjoy each day and each loved one as though today is your last day together, and wish each other well. Our last moment together is never enough, for our desire is to be together for eternity. One day, all of "this" will pass away. There will be a new heaven-and a new earth, and just us-Believers in Christ, Father God, Christ-who made it all possible, and the Angels. Death is the crossing over stage to living in heaven with God our Father, who created the definition of love, and Christ our Redeemer. The key is to rejoice for the ones who have gone ahead of us until it is our time to join them.
This is dedicated to the families and all others grieving the deaths of the children and the adults in the Sandy Hook School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.
"And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." (1 Corinthians 15:19, 22, 57, 58 NLT)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
The one thought I can't get off my mind and heart after studying the book of Revelations is how the ones who follow after the beast and the dragon, are the very ones the beast and dragon hate. Yet you turn on any sitcom, read the books, or watch the movies pertaining to werewolves, vampires, or beast, and it is Satan-who is the epitome of all these characters that is romaticised.
The werewolf is a great lover, the beast is a friend when you need one, and the vampire just wants to be loved, and is so misunderstood. The fortune teller just wants to help you find the truth, the sorcerer has the power to right wrong, and the witches and warlocks have an incantation for everything broken or sick that needs fixed or healed. The truth is, Satan is the werewolf, the vampire, the beast, the fortune teller, the sorcerer, the witch, and the warlork. Satan is a seducer and he is addictive. He'll toy with you at first, then seduce you, then he'll get you addicted to him, and then he'll steal your faith And in the end, he'll turn on you, and he won't wait tll the end of the world to do it. "Watch this sitcom about me(Satan) and my human girlfriend, I'm a beast, a vampire, or a werewolf, read this book about me(Satan) I'm a demonic seer, listen to this depressing song about poor me(Satan), watch this #1 movie about me and my human girlfriend and our forbidden love(Satan) ugh!
Yet when we as Believers in Christ read and study our Word of God, especially the Book of Revelations we find Satan is not to be romanticized. "They were told not to harm the grass or plants or trees, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people. Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon —the Destroyer." (Revelation 9:4, 10, 11 NLT)
The very ones Satan seduces, who romanticize him as the epitome of the vampire, the werewolf, the beast, the witch, the warlock, the fortune teller, the sorcerer, and the demonic Seer are the ones he turns on and will torture! His seduction is a set up to destroy YOU!
Yet when we as Believers in Christ read and study our Word of God, especially the Book of Revelations we find Satan is not to be romanticized. "They were told not to harm the grass or plants or trees, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people. Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon —the Destroyer." (Revelation 9:4, 10, 11 NLT)
The very ones Satan seduces, who romanticize him as the epitome of the vampire, the werewolf, the beast, the witch, the warlock, the fortune teller, the sorcerer, and the demonic Seer are the ones he turns on and will torture! His seduction is a set up to destroy YOU!
It's more than just a popular sitcom! It's more than just a popular movie! It's more than a popular #1 best seller! It is Satan deceiving you!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I've come to learn how to withstand a lot of things that happen to me that I would rather not have had touch my life. Time after time, I've learned to lean into the wind rather than let situations blow me away. At one point, it felt as if I were being bombarded with unpleasantness. Deep within my Spirit, I felt God telling me to just keep standing. I couldn't understand why He just couldn't make it to where I never experienced these things, or at least make them go away quickly. Didn't He understand my plight? Tonight I had an epiphany. It's about two things. One, it's about me learning to live life out thru faith, from now until. Two, it puts Satan on notice, that no matter what you throw at this girl, she will stand on the principles of God, and still maintain her peace. Tonight something happened to me that every time it does, it stirs me. This time when it happened to me, I decided, " I'm past losing my peace over this." Finally, I understand what God was trying to teach me. Yes, He could remove it. But, because I was letting it bother me so much, Satan would just keep doing it to me, and stealing my peace. God wanted me to get to the place, where the next time Satan pulled that on me I would keep my peace, and continue to lean into the wind and just keep on walking, keep on living, keep on keeping on.
Stay blessed.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Luke 22:32-34
New Living Translation (NLT)
32 But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”
33 Peter said, “Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you, and even to die with you.”34 But Jesus said, “Peter, let me tell you something. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.”
Just because God knows beforehand how mankind will act in a given situation, and does not intervene, does not mean He agrees with our decision. What it means is He allows us free will. He gives us the freewill to make good decisions for ourselves, and He allows us freewill to make bad decisions for ourselves. God makes Himself, through acceptance of His Son, Jesus Christ, available to to us for assistance thru every circumstances. So we must choose wisely. When we don't choose wisely, we must go to God to repent, and receive forgiveness.
Because we are all in this world together, sometimes decisions are made that adversely affect us as a whole. When this happens always know that Jesus Christ is available to you, and God's principles written in His Word are at your fingertips. You must simply determine in your mind, that you will seek only God's Word, as to how you will from now on proceed. Because of God's Plan from the very beginning, Christ has always been the unlocked door in a room with padlocks on all other doors and windows. Luke 11:28 says, "But he [Jesus] said, “Blessed...are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Anytime we choose our ways instead of God's ways, what will always happen is, we will end up lost-wandering around in the wilderness by ourselves, and trying to survive on our own limited resources. When we choose God's methods, we end up with an unlimited Source, that will provide a way out of nowhere. The sad thing is, until we learn this principle, we have to experience some very cold nights, and some very blistering days on our own, before we are rudely awaken to the consequences of the choices we have made. We strive so hard to have our own way, and in our success in getting our way, we push God off to the side with a sideways comment of, "I got this God." In reading and studying the Word of God, I have noticed that God handles us in a variety of ways. Sometimes God DOES allow us our "own way" instead of intervening. By doing so, our blessings are not withheld by God, but are delayed by our choices. There is a difference. God Himself is not being indifferent. He is simply allowing you to have it your way. For those who DO choose to follow God's way, your provision is in following the principles of God. You will learn those principles only by accepting and following Christ, and reading God's road map to living life-His written word.
Stay blessed.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
My Prayer For America And Our Newly Elected President
Lord I thank You for Your past blessings upon this nation, and I ask that You continue to bless us as one nation under God. I thank You, that You have not left us alone, for we are not a fatherless nation. We are still a nation with Believers in Christ that holds out to You, and Your Word. That will always be our stand. You have a plan for us, and nothing happens that You don't have foreknowledge of as Creator God. This election process has allowed us to solidify what we believe-Your Word. Barak Obama is president of the United States because You have allowed it. That means any plans he has that are contrary to Your will is subject to Your plan for this nation. I pray that President Obama seeks Your will for this nation for the next 4 years. By doing so, all will be well with him, and with us as citizens. In obedience to Your word, I pray for President Obama and his personal well-being. For he is a part of Your plan, and it is important that he fulfills his role. I thank You for Your protection of both the US and Israel against our enemies. This will not change, other than it will be even greater than before. For no weapon forged against us as nations shall prosper. Your home is in Jerusalem and Your word says that will never change. Father God, it is Your will that we prosper. As believers in Christ, we know how to live an abundant life through Your principles. This election has not changed that. But we ask that You put Your super on our natural and bless us not only financially, but with favor and grace. Bless our economy God. Your are our source. God I do today, as I did yesterday, and the day before, I pray Your will over my life and that of my family and friends and enemies and this nation. Open our eyes, and show us Your will for Your plan. God You are so awesome. All I am and all I do is for your glory. Amen.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Hip Hip Hooray! As of today, I have had 2,004 people to read my blog regarding my witness of life with God, my journey to know Him better, and my religion Christianity. Wow. For years I have written to God, and about God from my own experiences. Then one day they turned into poems, then I would have stuff in my head and would write on my hands, napkins, scraps of papers, then I finally bought a small notebook to keep in my purse to catch my thoughts. Then I realized I would wake up at odd times and just write for hours. Each one with titles, one right after another. One day my aunt, daddy's half sister, who I never met died, and in going thru her personal items, I found a book of beautiful handwritten poems she had written too. I felt regret that we had never met, because we were so alike. Like her, I never shared my writings, they were so personal, yet I always had a desire that no one go thru life alone without knowing the goodness of God. Only thru that desire, as it grew stronger and stronger did I decide to share my thoughts. I am a very private person, and I say I am shy. Others, say I am not, but they have no idea how much guts it takes for me to speak up. I better than I used to be. When I speak of God though, He empowers me. I never knew how to write a blog, I never knew how to design a blog page with a header, I never knew how to open a fb page of encouragement. That first day my dad ask me to share my poems in church in front of people, even people I knew and loved, I thought I was having a heart attack. But they listened so intently, and laughed with me. When they came up later and talked to me I was surprised and happy that they were encouraged. I still never want to do that again, but if God ask me to, and I hope He won't, I would obey. I like to just write. I leave it up to Him to draw whomever He decides to draw to my blog. I follow my inner compass of what He wants me to do, and I go about my way. I'm learning to just follow His instructions wherever they led me.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Elephant In The Room & At The Kitchen Table In America
This is the elephant in the room. I will speak of it anyways. For years African Americans have wanted a President from their own rank in file, due to the past discriminatory history in this country, that no one can dispute, and the fight for basic civil rights. The thoughts of some was that by doing so, the lives of African Americans would be better, for we did not willing come to this country for better lives, we were brought here against our will to make the lives of others better, more profitable, and easier. So very different than than for other cultures and races who escaped to this country for hope of a better life. Four years later, what some of us have failed to understand is that the color of a man or woman's skin, in comparison to our own, does not hold the power to save us, nor to bring us to our demise. To believe so is prejudices in its own right, and lack of faith in our Father-God.
In our own race, we do not determine leader and followers based on the lightness or darkness of our own skin tones.
The truth is what it is, regardless of what color marker we use to write the letters.
In our own race, we do not determine leader and followers based on the lightness or darkness of our own skin tones.
The truth is what it is, regardless of what color marker we use to write the letters.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity or PCCI are needed when determining the longevity of any relationship, whether it be a male/female, employee/employer, or a friend relationship, and even in political or governmental relationships. Studying a person's or an entity's PCCI is a fail proof method, if you give yourself the time to allow the process to work. The focus of this article will mainly be about relations between persons, but can also apply to relationships with organizations or entities as well. So here it is again, the acronym PCCI stands for P=principles, the first C=convictions, the second C=character, and lastly I=integrity.
The process of finding a person's Principles, Convictions, Character and Integrity will allow you to see without the aid of rose colored glasses, past all the window dressing, and allow your emotions and hormones a much needed break as to the type of person you are in relationship with, or are considering entering into relationship with. This is especially true for emotions, and/or hormones, because they seem to kick up the most dust, and cloud your vision as to which path to take, as far as, who in your best interest stays, and who goes, relationship wise. Principles, Convictions, Character and Integrity shape who the other person is, and who you are as a person.
Principles determine Conviction, Convictions determine Character, and Character determines Integrity. A person's PCCI will give you a heads up on how they will handle any given situation in and outside of a relationship with you.
Determining a person's PCCI requires patience though. That's why relationship gurus are forever telling us not to get caught up in the touchy, the feely, and eye candy aspects on first dates. Instead, on the first date go dutch, and allow for randomly switching off on picking up the tab. Dates between attracted opposite genders are opportunities to determine each other's Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity. Dates should not be about conjuring up series of strategies for becoming fully vested, just yet. The same holds true when interviewing for a job. As an applicant, ask questions of that potential supervisor that will give you an idea about what type of management style they have, find out what type of company you're interviewing to work for, who their clients are, and what their vision statement is. Vision statements don't have to be written or formal. Walk into any McDonald's and stick around long enough to people watch. Look at how they handle their customers, and you can figure out their vision statement. I interviewed for a job, and by the end of the interview the person hiring told me thru my questions asked, and them volunteering information, that they slandered past employees by name, were a gossiper in sharing their employee's business, would dig up information about employees and use it against them, by black balling them when potential managers called for references. I got the letter in the mail telling me I did not get the job, and considered it a bullet dodged.
While determining a person's Principles, Convictions, Character, and Integrity remember to do 2 things as well. One, love yourself enough to take your time. Two, trust your gut instinct. Gut instinct says, "It looks like this, it seems like this, but "Something" is telling me it's the opposite." And always, always, always, if you ever get the smallest inkling of fear-remove yourself immediately, and end all contact. Fear is a game changer-that's flat out God cutting to the chase, and telling you this is not the relationship for you. Get out of the relationship as fast as you can.
So there you have it, Principles determine Convictions, Convictions determine Character, Character determines Integrity. Good relationships are time-released journeys where you get to, at the appropriate time, experience emotional and physical joys, periods of ups and downs, and healthy periods of feast and famines when it comes to a desire for togetherness. For me, I'm learning it's best to search out the basics first in any type of relationship I am considering, then invest myself, after I determine if it's even worthy of my time.
I am a Christian, so it goes without saying, one should pray before, during, and throughout, any and every relationship. God is the center of every aspect of my life, so it's just a given for me. Because I am a Christian blogger, and I blog about my relationship with God, as well as my other relationships, I don't know if I am writing strictly for myself, or for someone else; for the present, or for something that may occur in the future. Mercy me, while reading this post, I pray you'll determine for yourself, if this article is for you, or not, for now, or for a later relationship as well. I will end with this answer, God only knows, and time will tell. Basically that's what this article is all about, slowing down the pace in forming relationships, and taking the time to focus on determining which are worthy of our time. Some relationships are long lasting, others are but for a season. The key is to know which is which, and at what point we decidedly move on.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Deuteronomy 10:14 The Message Version
14 Look around you: Everything you see is God's - the heavens above and beyond, the Earth, and everything on it.
Were I to say that I believe in the right of an unborn child to live full term till it is able to live outside the womb, and then I say that I also do not believe in limiting the ability, not the right, of a woman to abort that same exact child, I have just cancelled my first conviction.
The act of procreation is a gift given from the Creator. The result, a child is also a gift from God. Both gifts can be abused and mishandled.
The only One that determines life or death, period, is God. He is the only One with that right-that authority as the Creator of life and all things present.
If it's the wrong time, the wrong circumstance, or if it is inconvenient to shelter a human life for 9 short months out of an entire lifetime, it is not the fault of the gift(s). Inconvenience does not negate the right of an unborn child, who is toatlly innocent, to live. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. We are a civilized country, we are civilized people, WE DO NOT HARM THE INNOCENT, we protect them.
14 Look around you: Everything you see is God's - the heavens above and beyond, the Earth, and everything on it.
Were I to say that I believe in the right of an unborn child to live full term till it is able to live outside the womb, and then I say that I also do not believe in limiting the ability, not the right, of a woman to abort that same exact child, I have just cancelled my first conviction.
The act of procreation is a gift given from the Creator. The result, a child is also a gift from God. Both gifts can be abused and mishandled.
The only One that determines life or death, period, is God. He is the only One with that right-that authority as the Creator of life and all things present.
If it's the wrong time, the wrong circumstance, or if it is inconvenient to shelter a human life for 9 short months out of an entire lifetime, it is not the fault of the gift(s). Inconvenience does not negate the right of an unborn child, who is toatlly innocent, to live. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. We are a civilized country, we are civilized people, WE DO NOT HARM THE INNOCENT, we protect them.
See, I have a real hard time trying to figure out, how we negate a human life for convenience, and run that by God thinking we'll ever get His approval.
Sometimes, we as human beings like to see ourselves as little gods, when what we really are in totality are creations of the Master Designer-God. For the Creator, no one human life is any greater, than any other human created life. For every human life there is a purpose and a master plan of God to enhance the planet and shape the human race to a greater good. We are created to not just shelter, enhance, and promote our own life.
Sometimes, we as human beings like to see ourselves as little gods, when what we really are in totality are creations of the Master Designer-God. For the Creator, no one human life is any greater, than any other human created life. For every human life there is a purpose and a master plan of God to enhance the planet and shape the human race to a greater good. We are created to not just shelter, enhance, and promote our own life.
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This image was shared from Personhood USA Internet site |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sometimes life is not all that complicated. Today is one of those days.This afternoon I took Caity out to take care of doggie business, and afterwards I let her roam around the property. Just so you know, the temperature is a breezy 50+ degree day, absolutely wonderful out! So part of her time spent was watching the neighbor boys down the street playing street basketball. In case you don't understand the lingo, that is where you play basketball in the middle of the street, when there's no cars coming, and you "hot dog" your abilities shirtless in front of family, girlfriends, and neighbors. Only in small town America can you still do this. I don't know who won, or even if it really mattered much to them. It was just a moment of watching simple fun.
After watching street ball for awhile, I decided Caity and I should take advantage of the perfect weather by sitting out in the yard, for soon fall, then winter would be nipping at our heals. As usual once winter comes, we'd wish for summer the first time we were stuck in the house, due to being snow bound.
Last week was my vacation and I went nowhere, just hung out around town enjoying my favorite junk spots. Now that was nothing to sneeze at, since junking is my all time favorite activity. I found two really cool things. One, was another side table for sitting outside with friends, and second, was a $4 wooden box for Caity. It's just a plain ole box. When I brought it to the counter, the owner asked me why I was buying it, and what my intentions were for it? Like I said, the box was plain and nothing particularly exciting about it. Well, my intent in the back of my sometimes creative mind was to turn it into a wooden deck for Caity the dog, Now how cool was that. Yeah, well she wasn't all that much more impressed than you are at reading this I'm sure. But trust me, I had a plan.
Caity's DIY deck debuted as a hit. Today, I sat in my favorite Adirondack chair, and she on her deck. She actually napped on it for a short period. Most times she wants to sit on my lap, on my side table, on my chair arm, or over my shoulder. Not all that relaxing for fur momma. Caity always thinks there's plenty of room for her.
Speaking of simplicity, I am blogging outside in said Adirondack chair (without Caity, she kept getting her leash tangled) watching Ziggy the cat lounging in the window. We've been talking back and forth at each other through the screen window.
Even my parents have begun to ride the waves of simplicity. This morning I called my mom to see if we were having church. I wasn't sure if I heard right, that my pastor would still be at church conference today. During our conversation, she asked, "Well why you don't you get on the computer and see if church conference is still in session. I'm like, "Oh yeah, I can get on twitter and see if Bishop Bryant has tweeted anything. My church Bishop is a huge tweeter! He tweets every morning, every day, and I follow him on twitter. Of course he does not follow me on twitter, cause you follow one member, and you gotta follow them all. However, I do occasionally do a shout out for me and my church, and he always shouts back, "Hey family," which is pretty cool. So I read her his tweet, where he was inviting everyone in the area to join him for the last day of annual conference. Dilemma solved!
I'd say my precious momma has past the stage of threatening to buy a computer, to now anticipating buying one. I fully expect her to call me up on her red Jitterbug phone or text me, now that she has learned how, and tell me she's ready to catch the wave of simplicity and start surfing the WEB. Too funny!
So here's hoping you too are enjoying a day of simplicity! COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC next time, and we'll ride the wave, and see what the tide brings in.
Photo by Andrew Mulligan
Saturday, September 1, 2012
God and I have our own type of communicado. We got our own lingo, our own dance moves during our personal praise and worship, our own sense of humor, which mostly is appreciated by only us, Yeshua, and the HS. He likes the way I sing, even when I make my own words up and they don't always rhyme! Prophet Kim says that's OK cause God's listening to our heart anyways! He loves to sit with me when I read His Words. Sometimes He'll touch my eyes, my ears and show me stuff right in front of me that I have just been glossing over time after time. Sometimes He'll have me compose a thought and give it away for whomever is open to it. I think that part is really cool! God is a lot of fun to spend time with in doing plain ole normal everyday stuff. Sometimes I'll be running errands around town and praying in between stops. I call that our "hang time." And you know what, God totally "Gets" me. However, I'm still working on "getting" who all He is. I only know the tip of the iceberg of who all He is. But I'm on it! LOL
Have a happy remainder of your Shabbat Shalom!
Click on the link below for a beautiful love song. Close your eyes and dance with your Lord. Come visit me again at the purple door. It's always wide open to friends. Stay blessed.
Click on the link below for a beautiful love song. Close your eyes and dance with your Lord. Come visit me again at the purple door. It's always wide open to friends. Stay blessed.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Faith101-if we want God to do the unprecedented, the extraordinary, the unfathomable, then we must speak the unprecedented, the extraordinary, and the unfathomable, for He is the God that creates. He creates your something out of what presently does not exist. The extent that He will bring what you ask for is based upon what you speak into existence. That's why we cannot speak what we see before us, we can't speak what we hear, we cannot speak what we "feel" or are capable of physically touching. Because when we do, we are simply speaking what already exists. God doesn't move when this is done, because we have not spoken faith. Faith is speaking out what does not currently exist. It takes no faith to speak what already exists.
God is not excited by chaos that Satan has played apart in creating in our lives. Only Satan gets excited about hearing this. God gets excited by us speaking our faith in Him, and what He is doing in our lives. This happens when we say, "Thank You God, for doing the unprecedented, the extraordinary, the unfathomable in my current situation! I look at it like this, God's ears are not tuned into unbelief, therefore He does not react on our behalf. Note the word I used was re-act. GOD'S EARS ARE TUNED TO HEAR WORDS OF FAITH, AND THAT'S WHAT MOVES GOD! He's like, "Whoooa, did You hear that Yeshua? Oh, yeah, I heard that too! I do believe We just heard Us some faith! Al-righty! Watch Us now!" That's when Yeshua stands up and says, I'm with Ya! Lets roll Daddy-O!~Written by FLOWERCHIC
Monday, August 13, 2012
James 1:26-27
26) If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.
27) Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
My Pastor and I were discussing this new phase among Christians, where some are not wanting to be considered as religious. We're only guessing, but it seems nobody in this group wants to be considered in the same league as the religious leaders during Jesus' time. Well I don't want to be confused with that group either, but I'm not willing to kick religion to the curb.
God's the center of my religion.
Religion is not a practice that I am ashamed of. I am not "uncool" because I am a participant. Nor am I too "cool" to participate. In my religion, God is the Creator of all things. His Son is Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the remission of my sin. Because I accept this as fact, I am in right standing with God. There are many other religions out there, but they are not centered around the worship of the only God there is-the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within, the Father of Jesus Christ-the only Lord & Savior. God IS the God of my religion, and my religion is Christianity.
For some people, the following 3 words hold negative connotations-church, religion, and Christianity. The devil is a liar! The church of believers of Jesus Christ is a wonderful, functioning institution, that atheist are in lust of. Are there some in the church that are giving it a bad name, by not following the teachings of God? Yes, there are some. What can we do about them? PRAY! Make no mistake, Christ loves His church, and He IS coming back for it! Religion-there are many of them out there, do they all revolve around the worship of the only Creator, whose Son is Jesus Christ the Savior? Nope! Well as long as you are participating in the One religion that does, then don't be ashamed of your religion! Christianity-Lord, God, Almighty, this word makes some Christians afraid! LOL! Good, this word should be held in reverence! It is the One true religion that revolves around the pure worship of the Supreme Creator God Almighty! God is the Only God that Creates something out of nothing! God is the Only God that raises the dead! God is the Only God that heals the sick! God is the Only God who has a Son named Jesus Christ, who can save your soul from going hell! Come on! Negative connotations? Answer, be wiling to define what is negative, and what is not. Simple, do not let Satan define what God has determined to be good, as evil. Stay blessed! ♥
26) If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.
27) Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
My Pastor and I were discussing this new phase among Christians, where some are not wanting to be considered as religious. We're only guessing, but it seems nobody in this group wants to be considered in the same league as the religious leaders during Jesus' time. Well I don't want to be confused with that group either, but I'm not willing to kick religion to the curb.
God's the center of my religion.
Religion is not a practice that I am ashamed of. I am not "uncool" because I am a participant. Nor am I too "cool" to participate. In my religion, God is the Creator of all things. His Son is Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the remission of my sin. Because I accept this as fact, I am in right standing with God. There are many other religions out there, but they are not centered around the worship of the only God there is-the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within, the Father of Jesus Christ-the only Lord & Savior. God IS the God of my religion, and my religion is Christianity.
For some people, the following 3 words hold negative connotations-church, religion, and Christianity. The devil is a liar! The church of believers of Jesus Christ is a wonderful, functioning institution, that atheist are in lust of. Are there some in the church that are giving it a bad name, by not following the teachings of God? Yes, there are some. What can we do about them? PRAY! Make no mistake, Christ loves His church, and He IS coming back for it! Religion-there are many of them out there, do they all revolve around the worship of the only Creator, whose Son is Jesus Christ the Savior? Nope! Well as long as you are participating in the One religion that does, then don't be ashamed of your religion! Christianity-Lord, God, Almighty, this word makes some Christians afraid! LOL! Good, this word should be held in reverence! It is the One true religion that revolves around the pure worship of the Supreme Creator God Almighty! God is the Only God that Creates something out of nothing! God is the Only God that raises the dead! God is the Only God that heals the sick! God is the Only God who has a Son named Jesus Christ, who can save your soul from going hell! Come on! Negative connotations? Answer, be wiling to define what is negative, and what is not. Simple, do not let Satan define what God has determined to be good, as evil. Stay blessed! ♥
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Daughter Moments With My Dad
My favorite parent/daughter moment? Laughing and having fun sitting on my parent's couch next to my dad playing with his new jitterbug phone, sending text messages, and photos to Sista, and trying to figure out how best to customize his phone for his needs. The cool part? Me on the line with tech support and him sitting across from me at one point, with his arms crossed casually across his midsection and his one leg draped across the other "just a swinging" with not a care in the world, as I conveyed which phone options he wanted to keep, and those he wanted discarded to customize his phone just the way he wanted. I had tech support on speaker phone and I'd ask him questions. He'd nod his head "Yes" or he'd nod "No" to what he wanted, all the while sitting there all so casually, and I bet thinking, "Wow, this thing of raising two daughters sure has paid off!" ♥
I told him to not worry about the technical side of how to get things to work the way he wanted, to just tell me what he wanted, and technical support and I would make it happen. After he accepted that, he total relaxed with all this new technology. I reminded him of when we were kids, he and mom took care of all the techie stuff we had not a clue about, and he said, "Yeah, now that we're old, you guys that care of all this new stuff!" I said, "Yeah, just sit back and say, "Handle it, handle it," with the wave of your hand, in a shooing motion. We just laughed!
I told him to not worry about the technical side of how to get things to work the way he wanted, to just tell me what he wanted, and technical support and I would make it happen. After he accepted that, he total relaxed with all this new technology. I reminded him of when we were kids, he and mom took care of all the techie stuff we had not a clue about, and he said, "Yeah, now that we're old, you guys that care of all this new stuff!" I said, "Yeah, just sit back and say, "Handle it, handle it," with the wave of your hand, in a shooing motion. We just laughed!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
THE CAMERA IN MY MIND-Macedonia Freewill Baptist Church Annual BBQ
I was up and at em early this morning headed to Brownfield to the annual Macedonia Baptist Church BBQ! The goal was to beat the heat today. Its supposed to be 93 degrees, which is not bad considering the temperatures earlier in the month. The drive up is thru some of the prettiest county you'll ever set your sites on. I love looking at the cows, horses, old weather beaten barns, ponds, and farms that have been in families for generations. There are a lot of churches along this stretch of highway too.
As I turn off the highway, I pass my aunt's old school house on the right. I try to envision her playing out in the yard, or sitting on the steps talking with friends or eating her lunch. I wonder where she sat inside, whether it was by a window, did she get caught daydreaming, instead of concentrating on her learning? As I drive on, I see old family friends who are no longer here, and boarded up old houses that once housed families with echoes of life lived in the past. As I pull into the church, I see the familiar merry-go-round that my sister and I used to ride for hours on end as kids, at previous BBQs. I see the cemetery where many of my relatives on my mother's side of the family are buried. I see the church where every BBQ they have service. And then, my favorite, the BBQ shack where you can buy Cracker Jack Carmel popcorn, candy, can drinks, chips and of course the best BBQ ever!
This is the first year I have driven up by myself as a full fledged adult. Usually its always been in the backseat of family cars loaded with lawn chairs, sweat towels, ice chests, and traveling fly swats, and spray cans of Off repellent. My dad asked me to call him when I first woke up, so he and mother could be on the road too. We took separate cars, cause they like to stay and hang out with friends. Me, I'm out and about with no set schedule or destination. I can't be bothered with staying put, its Saturday after all.
I walked to the old familiar white, painted shack to place my order behind, none other than my dad. We laughed, and he asks how did they beat me there? I tell him of all my errands I had to run first. I'm quite surprised they beat me there too. Dad ordered mutton, mom loves mutton and talks of how she never gets there in time, before they sell out. But this year she scores big-2 pounds of BBQ mutton. I score a large bottle of their BBQ sauce, which is notorious. I'll use it sparingly throughout the year on my own grilled chicken, oven baked pork chops, and occasionally on my oven ribs. I buy enough BBQ to eat off of during the week, for lunch, and to freeze for special days in mid-winter when I'm wishing for county drives in the summer with my windows down, and my favorite radio station on.
I decided I didn't want to take pictures today. I just wanted to live in the moment, enjoying old friends, and traditions, without the distraction of a camera. I want to relive the moments in my mind when I'm older, with the camera in my mind.
COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC again. I like sharing my life with you through my blogs. I hope you enjoy reading them. Have a blessed life.
As I turn off the highway, I pass my aunt's old school house on the right. I try to envision her playing out in the yard, or sitting on the steps talking with friends or eating her lunch. I wonder where she sat inside, whether it was by a window, did she get caught daydreaming, instead of concentrating on her learning? As I drive on, I see old family friends who are no longer here, and boarded up old houses that once housed families with echoes of life lived in the past. As I pull into the church, I see the familiar merry-go-round that my sister and I used to ride for hours on end as kids, at previous BBQs. I see the cemetery where many of my relatives on my mother's side of the family are buried. I see the church where every BBQ they have service. And then, my favorite, the BBQ shack where you can buy Cracker Jack Carmel popcorn, candy, can drinks, chips and of course the best BBQ ever!
This is the first year I have driven up by myself as a full fledged adult. Usually its always been in the backseat of family cars loaded with lawn chairs, sweat towels, ice chests, and traveling fly swats, and spray cans of Off repellent. My dad asked me to call him when I first woke up, so he and mother could be on the road too. We took separate cars, cause they like to stay and hang out with friends. Me, I'm out and about with no set schedule or destination. I can't be bothered with staying put, its Saturday after all.
I walked to the old familiar white, painted shack to place my order behind, none other than my dad. We laughed, and he asks how did they beat me there? I tell him of all my errands I had to run first. I'm quite surprised they beat me there too. Dad ordered mutton, mom loves mutton and talks of how she never gets there in time, before they sell out. But this year she scores big-2 pounds of BBQ mutton. I score a large bottle of their BBQ sauce, which is notorious. I'll use it sparingly throughout the year on my own grilled chicken, oven baked pork chops, and occasionally on my oven ribs. I buy enough BBQ to eat off of during the week, for lunch, and to freeze for special days in mid-winter when I'm wishing for county drives in the summer with my windows down, and my favorite radio station on.
I decided I didn't want to take pictures today. I just wanted to live in the moment, enjoying old friends, and traditions, without the distraction of a camera. I want to relive the moments in my mind when I'm older, with the camera in my mind.
COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC again. I like sharing my life with you through my blogs. I hope you enjoy reading them. Have a blessed life.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Mini Moments Over Time
Life is made up of a series of mini moments. A wonderful life is made up of a series of orchestrated moments with joy, peace, love, endurance, thoughtfulness, and of good family, friends, and acquaintances along the way. Once you learn to depend on God, the terrible times are really only a blink in time, in the greater scheme of all time. You learn to endure in faith, till life blinks again, and your next mini moment rolls around. Before drifting off to sleep last night, I realized because of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, God has always been apart of my life growing up. My earliest memories are of Sunday school, church, and knowing who Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit were in my young life. My relationships with them have evolved over time, but I have never known life without them. So I guess that is why, even though I get weary sometimes, I never throw in the towel and quit. God is always near, and I can always pray, and leave whatever ails me in His quite capable hands.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
LIl dog Caity and I have been out already this morning. Yes, it was still dark. I was barely awake, when all I saw were 2 ears, 2 eyes, and her favorite toy yellow peering over the mattress at me. Yellow always gets carried out with us when we go out of the mornings. This is my sign that its time to leave the comfort of my bed. While we were out, we harvested tomatoes from our small garden. Checked on our collard greens, and they are coming along just fine for fall harvesting to my dinner table.
Earlier this week, my dad and some of his friends helped me clean my fence row out. I miss my tree, but it was dying and it was too close to the fence row, branching to close to both our roof tops. So I have one lonely Adirondack chair, and soon I'll pull out my side table, to sit near my grill between the houses. I'll need to set back my nickel, dimes, and pennies to replace my umbrella. I'm making a mental list to buy 4 geraniums today to plant out front. It has been so hot, I put off planting flowers. They would have just died during the heat wave had I bought them earlier, cause I certainly would have not tending to them in the 100+ temps we recently endured.
God is so good, we are enjoying our first weekend after the heat wave! It is so beautiful out! Lil dog and I have plans to go to the park today and stroll around. Its gonna be so much fun!
Yesterday I drove out to the country and bought a peck of nectarines, my favorite fruit! I love driving out to the country. I had K-Love blaring on the radio, and all the windows down. I was praising the Lord and jammin down the road. Of course when I turned into Mr. B's farm, I toned it down. He waited on me and showed me the different grades he had. I told him, "I'm no canner or freezer girl, I just want to enjoy your sweet nectarines!" We talked a bit, (he knows my parents and with his wife, they often talk across the table at the restaurant), and then I paid, then he loaded 2 handfuls more onto my already overflowing peck for good measure. I barely made it to the car!
I told you, everywhere I go, I get blessings! God never fails me! Proverbs 17:9 says it all, and I claim it!
Today is my sweet daddy's birthday! So today, sista and I will head over for homemade peach cobbler and ice cream. Then, we'll give him our gifts and cards. He has such a kind heart, he always sheds a few tears when he reads our cards out loud, and then he thanks everybody. My mom will act like she forgot his card, which is an ongoing joke between them, he does the same thing on her birthday! Ha! "I guess the girls cards will have to suffice, I didn't get a chance to get out and get you anything." Minutes later, "Here, hand this across to your daddy!" We have lots of fun around the dinner table at my parent's house, always have.
Well, I'm gettin kinda hungry, time to russell up some bacon, eggs, and fried potatoes for breakfast. Two weeks from today, will be the annual Macedonia Baptist Church BBQ. I'll have lots of pictures, stories of fresh pork skins, and the best BBQ ever to talk about!
Come to the purple door with Flowerchic again! Don't forget to bring your ice tea before you sit down.
Click on the link below for a great tip for summer cooking!
Earlier this week, my dad and some of his friends helped me clean my fence row out. I miss my tree, but it was dying and it was too close to the fence row, branching to close to both our roof tops. So I have one lonely Adirondack chair, and soon I'll pull out my side table, to sit near my grill between the houses. I'll need to set back my nickel, dimes, and pennies to replace my umbrella. I'm making a mental list to buy 4 geraniums today to plant out front. It has been so hot, I put off planting flowers. They would have just died during the heat wave had I bought them earlier, cause I certainly would have not tending to them in the 100+ temps we recently endured.
God is so good, we are enjoying our first weekend after the heat wave! It is so beautiful out! Lil dog and I have plans to go to the park today and stroll around. Its gonna be so much fun!
Yesterday I drove out to the country and bought a peck of nectarines, my favorite fruit! I love driving out to the country. I had K-Love blaring on the radio, and all the windows down. I was praising the Lord and jammin down the road. Of course when I turned into Mr. B's farm, I toned it down. He waited on me and showed me the different grades he had. I told him, "I'm no canner or freezer girl, I just want to enjoy your sweet nectarines!" We talked a bit, (he knows my parents and with his wife, they often talk across the table at the restaurant), and then I paid, then he loaded 2 handfuls more onto my already overflowing peck for good measure. I barely made it to the car!
I told you, everywhere I go, I get blessings! God never fails me! Proverbs 17:9 says it all, and I claim it!
Today is my sweet daddy's birthday! So today, sista and I will head over for homemade peach cobbler and ice cream. Then, we'll give him our gifts and cards. He has such a kind heart, he always sheds a few tears when he reads our cards out loud, and then he thanks everybody. My mom will act like she forgot his card, which is an ongoing joke between them, he does the same thing on her birthday! Ha! "I guess the girls cards will have to suffice, I didn't get a chance to get out and get you anything." Minutes later, "Here, hand this across to your daddy!" We have lots of fun around the dinner table at my parent's house, always have.
Well, I'm gettin kinda hungry, time to russell up some bacon, eggs, and fried potatoes for breakfast. Two weeks from today, will be the annual Macedonia Baptist Church BBQ. I'll have lots of pictures, stories of fresh pork skins, and the best BBQ ever to talk about!
Come to the purple door with Flowerchic again! Don't forget to bring your ice tea before you sit down.
Click on the link below for a great tip for summer cooking!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Another Dog Day Of Summer, And Because He Loved Me First
Uh-wee! It's hot outside! The temperature has been at 106 degrees today! I can only imagine what August will be like. In my neck of the woods, these are August temps, not June's. When I got off work my car was so hot on the inside, it was cooler to just roll all the windows down and drive fast!
However, as I was driving to get me an ice cold, freshly brewed tea at my favorite place, I witnessed a dog walking down the street that had its tongue hanging out, and was more like staggering than walking. I could not get out of traffic, and I was almost at my spot, so I decided I would get us both a drink. So I told the owner what I was doing and she gave me 2 tubs of water with lids for the dog and me-my ice tea to go. So I back tracked down back streets till I found the dog. Oh, it was wringing wet. So I gave him his water at what looked like his back yard, by the road. He drank a little of it and walked on down the road. I noticed that he had tags. Where I am at, if you pick up a dog with tags, you can be charged with dog knapping, so I called him back and put my finger in the water to entice him again, and he drank some more ice cold water. Then he did the sweetest thing, he rubbed up against my leg, to say thank you-I guess. I was really mad at his owner, then I wanted to call the pound to pick him/her up. Next, I wanted to open the back door and bring him home, where it was air conditioned. But I knew I couldn't. I have 2 pets already. He was someone else's dog, just out for a stroll, not realizing it was 106 degrees.
When I got home to my 2 pets, one who came from a shelter, and the other who had been rescued once from a kill shelter by a rescue agency, then from another rescue agency, where I adopted her, I thanked the good Lord for watching out for the all the disenfranchised ones. The first thing that hit me when I opened the front door was a blast of cold air.
Its so weird, this is the 2nd dog in the last month I have stumbled upon and tried to help. The first time I did call the pound on. The thing is I called twice at two different time for the first dog. Once on my way back to the office from lunch, but when I called back later, the officer said he was not able to find him. Then, I found him again about 2 weeks later a block from my house. He had tags, but would not come to me. He was worse for ware from the first time I tried to get him help. So I called again. I haven't seen him since, but I prayed for him wherever he was.
I guess I'm just an ole softee! But the way I see it, I would be the same way myself, dependent on the kindness of strangers in a very cruel world, if God had not sent His Son Jesus Christ to save me. Because He did, and Jesus accepted me, my life is so awesome as a result. Below is the lil dog featured in my blog header! This is the picture taken with her first rescue fur mommy! She rescued, then called Missy, from the kill shelter. Then Jill, her second rescue fur mommy advertised her for adoption. Jill and I had been e-mailing back and forth looking for me a Yorkie. I had saved all my nickels and dimes, and bought all the items my soon to be adopted doggie would need. I just needed to find "the" dog. The dog I wanted to adopt, another lady had decided not to adopt, then changed her mind and decided to adopt, which broke my heart. Then I refused to adopt online. Then Jill apologized, and said she had a friend who had rescued a dog and sent me this picture of then Missy!
I e-mailed her back, "She's the one!" Boy was she one stinky lil dog! Three baths later, and a firm stand, Caity emerged as the happy dog above. When I brought her into the house, she hated everybody, to the point I actually had to pray about whether to send her back or keep trying. God put it on my heart to keep loving her. Every chance, every turn, I just loved her, but I still remained firm I was in charge. Finally she emerged as the most loving, gleeful dog ever, who loves my cat to distraction, and is a fierce protector of me and Ziggy the cat.
However, as I was driving to get me an ice cold, freshly brewed tea at my favorite place, I witnessed a dog walking down the street that had its tongue hanging out, and was more like staggering than walking. I could not get out of traffic, and I was almost at my spot, so I decided I would get us both a drink. So I told the owner what I was doing and she gave me 2 tubs of water with lids for the dog and me-my ice tea to go. So I back tracked down back streets till I found the dog. Oh, it was wringing wet. So I gave him his water at what looked like his back yard, by the road. He drank a little of it and walked on down the road. I noticed that he had tags. Where I am at, if you pick up a dog with tags, you can be charged with dog knapping, so I called him back and put my finger in the water to entice him again, and he drank some more ice cold water. Then he did the sweetest thing, he rubbed up against my leg, to say thank you-I guess. I was really mad at his owner, then I wanted to call the pound to pick him/her up. Next, I wanted to open the back door and bring him home, where it was air conditioned. But I knew I couldn't. I have 2 pets already. He was someone else's dog, just out for a stroll, not realizing it was 106 degrees.
When I got home to my 2 pets, one who came from a shelter, and the other who had been rescued once from a kill shelter by a rescue agency, then from another rescue agency, where I adopted her, I thanked the good Lord for watching out for the all the disenfranchised ones. The first thing that hit me when I opened the front door was a blast of cold air.
Its so weird, this is the 2nd dog in the last month I have stumbled upon and tried to help. The first time I did call the pound on. The thing is I called twice at two different time for the first dog. Once on my way back to the office from lunch, but when I called back later, the officer said he was not able to find him. Then, I found him again about 2 weeks later a block from my house. He had tags, but would not come to me. He was worse for ware from the first time I tried to get him help. So I called again. I haven't seen him since, but I prayed for him wherever he was.
I guess I'm just an ole softee! But the way I see it, I would be the same way myself, dependent on the kindness of strangers in a very cruel world, if God had not sent His Son Jesus Christ to save me. Because He did, and Jesus accepted me, my life is so awesome as a result. Below is the lil dog featured in my blog header! This is the picture taken with her first rescue fur mommy! She rescued, then called Missy, from the kill shelter. Then Jill, her second rescue fur mommy advertised her for adoption. Jill and I had been e-mailing back and forth looking for me a Yorkie. I had saved all my nickels and dimes, and bought all the items my soon to be adopted doggie would need. I just needed to find "the" dog. The dog I wanted to adopt, another lady had decided not to adopt, then changed her mind and decided to adopt, which broke my heart. Then I refused to adopt online. Then Jill apologized, and said she had a friend who had rescued a dog and sent me this picture of then Missy!
I e-mailed her back, "She's the one!" Boy was she one stinky lil dog! Three baths later, and a firm stand, Caity emerged as the happy dog above. When I brought her into the house, she hated everybody, to the point I actually had to pray about whether to send her back or keep trying. God put it on my heart to keep loving her. Every chance, every turn, I just loved her, but I still remained firm I was in charge. Finally she emerged as the most loving, gleeful dog ever, who loves my cat to distraction, and is a fierce protector of me and Ziggy the cat.
Love changes everything! Come to the purple door again and visit. I promise an ice cold glass of tea and a cool spot near a fan.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Are You Ready To Party All The Way With God?
There are those within the rank of believers, that are not quite sure if they're ready to P-a-r-t-y all the way with God or not. Some have sided with those who are not followers of Christ, and deemed that God is not only not "politically correct," God is not a legal citizen of this country, and He-God is a lawbreaker of this "great" country of ours.
"Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things He has done for them." (Psalm 107:8 NLT)
God is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything therein. Yet there are those that actually believe that God has no say in what He has created.
"Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things He has done for them." (Psalm 107:8 NLT)
I recently heard a once prominent minister, who denounced his belief in Christ, but has since started his own church say to the media on TV, "Our church believes in God, and we believe the bible, we just don't take it literally." I thought, how do you do that? It's impossible to believe anything, but not literally. My next thought was, "What kind of believer in Christ follows this guy?"
Then my thoughts turned to political candidates and this next round of elections.
Then my thoughts turned to political candidates and this next round of elections.
I believe as a Christian, we as a whole have got to refuse to elect officials who disregard God, thinking it doesn't matter what their moral character is as long as they are the same political party as we are, or the same race as we are, or the same culture, or the same generational nationality as we are (if they are currently a U.S. citizen, I'm good.) They can be all those things, but they have to have the moral compass of God, it does matter. Their policies will reflect their beliefs. Once something is put into law, we as a country have to live with that law-some things can be difficult to stomach, and four years is a long time. Some areas as a Christian voter, I can agree to disagree on, but those fundamental Godly values that are flat out addressed in the bible, and are being mishandled, I can't vote for. And when I watch someone twist the Word of God to justify their actions, and I know from reading God's Word myself, that they are manipulating the Word for justification, I am not only furious that they think they are crafty enough to "play me," but I decide right then and there to place my vote with God. I'm praying for Godly wisdom on whom God has designed for the forthcoming elections. God has made a choice. They more than likely will not be perfect, but they will have a heart that not only beats with the same rhythm as God's, but also has a dedicated heart that breaks for God. My political party-The United God Party, consists of these kind of men and women.
Be especially sure to click on the link below and enjoy!
Be especially sure to click on the link below and enjoy!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Don't Let What Is Holy Be Pulled Behind An Ass, A Horse, Or A Camel
Why do you look with envy, O rugged mountains,
at Mount Zion, where God has chosen to live,
where the LORD himself will live forever?
From Mt Sinai to Mt Zion, God's city-Jerusalem, His mountain-Mt Zion. Do we as a nation dare try and divide God's dwelling place? Do we dare face the same reprimand that Uzzah in 1 Chronicles 13:9 received for touching what God says don't touch? Yet, our POTUS tried to do just that, before being made to back down before the UN. Wow! The significance of what he proposed, and almost succeeded at, had it not been for the prayers of the righteous in this nation, could have been disastrous for us as a blessed nation! So close were we as a nation of facing the ramifications of this decision. We have got to read our Word, and pay attention to our actions, and of those we elect. We as Christians are to stay in line with God's Word, not the words of our politicians. When our elected politicians break rank with God's Word, then we as Christians must break rank with our politicians, and fall in line with our Creator God, whose son is Jesus Christ.
King David and Israel Bringing Back The Ark
1 Chronicles 13:1-11
1 David conferred with each of his officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds. 2 He then said to the whole assembly of Israel, "If it seems good to you and if it is the will of the LORD our God, let us send word far and wide to the rest of our brothers throughout the territories of Israel, and also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their towns and pasturelands, to come and join us. 3 Let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we did not inquire of it during the reign of Saul." 4 The whole assembly agreed to do this, because it seemed right to all the people. 5 So David assembled all the Israelites, from the Shihor River in Egypt to Lebo Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim. 6 David and all the Israelites with him went to Baalah of Judah (Kiriath Jearim) to bring up from there the ark of God the LORD, who is enthroned between the cherubim--the ark that is called by the Name. 7 They moved the ark of God from Abinadab's house on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio guiding it. 8 David and all the Israelites were celebrating with all their might before God, with songs and with harps, lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. 9 When they came to the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. 10 The LORD's anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. 11 Then David was angry because the LORD's wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.
1 Chronicles 13:1-11
1 David conferred with each of his officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds. 2 He then said to the whole assembly of Israel, "If it seems good to you and if it is the will of the LORD our God, let us send word far and wide to the rest of our brothers throughout the territories of Israel, and also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their towns and pasturelands, to come and join us. 3 Let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we did not inquire of it during the reign of Saul." 4 The whole assembly agreed to do this, because it seemed right to all the people. 5 So David assembled all the Israelites, from the Shihor River in Egypt to Lebo Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim. 6 David and all the Israelites with him went to Baalah of Judah (Kiriath Jearim) to bring up from there the ark of God the LORD, who is enthroned between the cherubim--the ark that is called by the Name. 7 They moved the ark of God from Abinadab's house on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio guiding it. 8 David and all the Israelites were celebrating with all their might before God, with songs and with harps, lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. 9 When they came to the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. 10 The LORD's anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. 11 Then David was angry because the LORD's wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.David as King knew, but neglected to follow the instruction given to Moses by God on how to carry the Ark, who was allowed to carry the Ark, and the purity of the one attending the Ark in transit. When designing the Ark, God gave Moses specific instructions on how the Ark was to be carried when moved. Understand, since it's creation, the Ark had been successfully moved may times. David and all the people following behind the Ark knew the Ark was being transported incorrectly, Uzzah especially. As a group, they got lax, and too familiar with God, in that they were going to change how God said to carry the Ark, to how they preferred to carry God's Ark-that which God considered as Holy.
We as a society must not make the mistake of telling God how to run the things He created. God said nothing about it being OK with Him, if they changed things up, and placed the Ark in a cart to be pulled behind an ass, a horse, or a camel. BTW, it didn't matter whether the cart was new or old. We must not take the things that God considers as holy, and decide how we are going to handle them, rather than how God says to handle what is Holy. When we forget who created who, and for what purpose is when we get ourselves in trouble. We must not become mindful of ourselves only, and what we want. We sometimes forget we have been given a set of instructions by God in His written Word for handling that which is Holy, and we act like David and Uzzah. We must not forget what God the Creator, who breathed life into us, says we are to do. When we reap the built in consequence that we were told about beforehand, is it God that's being unfair to us? When we as a society see where we are not following God's instructions, we as a group need to purify ourselves and stop allowing what God considers as Holy to be lead by an ass, a horse, or a camel, and be honest enough to say, "What we are choosing to do is not right, and wrong is just wrong. Now, let's go back, and see what does God says about this, and what is it we are to do."
David As King Repents And Follows God's Instructions
He said to them, “You are the leaders of the Levite families. You must purify yourselves and all your fellow Levites, so you can bring the Ark of the LORD, the God of Israel, to the place I have prepared for it. Because you Levites did not carry the Ark the first time, the anger of the LORD our God burst out against us. We failed to ask God how to move it properly.”
This is what we as a nation must do, when we fail to follow God's instructions on how to handle what He considers as Holy.
13 For the LORD has chosen Jerusalemt;
he has desired it for his home.14 “This is my resting place forever,” he said.
“I will live here, for this is the home I desired.15 I will bless this city and make it prosperous;
I will satisfy its poor with food.16 I will clothe its priests with godliness;
its faithful servants will sing for joy. Psalm 132 13-16
Stay Blessed. Flowerchic
Saturday, June 9, 2012
If You Can Grasp This Principle, You Are Well On Your Way To Activating Your Own Blessings
Bless those that curse you and receive your blessing. Curse those who curse you and receive the same curse that you place upon them. Blessing someone who is unworthy, is God's way of drawing them to His Goodness. God blesses you for doing so because you are obedient. Not because they are worthy. God blesses them, thru our obedience as vessels, drawing them like a moth to a flame. When we are apart of God's process, their first question is, "How are they able to bless me when I curse them?" When that question is answered, they see Christ. No human being can curse you anyways, as long as you are walking with God. Only if you start believing they have that kind of power. God's Word says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It is a principle. You bless them regardless, and you receive from God-His blessings, due to your obedience to God. You are taking the opportunity to be blessed, by blessing someone else, and you are giving them the opportunity to be blessed back through the realization that God is a god who blesses those who bless others. Now they have the opportunity to bless someone else as well. Note, the person they in turn bless, may or may not be you. The One doing the blessing is God. The blessings are activated by your giving out obedience to God. Never, look for your blessing to come from them. Its about receiving from God. Not them. It is not about who is worthy in our eyes to be blessed. If you are experiencing lack and are needing more blessings in your life, activate the blessing principle of God, and start blessing others. Take the opportunity to be blessed, and give the same opportunity away to someone else to be blessed! Activate your blessings through His principle. God is the One doing the blessing, and He will bless anyone who works His Kingdom principle.
Monday, May 28, 2012
What Does It Mean To Fear The Lord?
I was just meditating on what it means for a believer in Christ to "Fear the Lord." Personally, it is to revere, or hold in deep respect, who God is, and all that He asks. Obedience and submission is not done solely to avoid the wrath of God, but because I know that God's askance of what I do, or don't do is so that I don't have to deal with the consequences that are associated with an act. Every action has a built in consequence, be it a good consequence, or a bad consequence. For me, as a believer, to fear the Lord is for me to revere, or respect what God's written Word says. If God says, "This is something I do not want you to do, or it is an abomination" i.e. I deeply dislike ______fill in the blank, then, I can be a foolish woman and do it anyways, or I can fear the Lord, and be a wise woman knowing that there is a built in consequence to my disobedience, and revere or hold in deep respect what God says to do, or not do, as the case may be.
In other words, for me to willing know that God hates an act, and to know He desires for me to not engage or participate in doing something, and I do so anyways, means it's all on me, not God. I have no right to blame Him, because I must deal with the consequences of my actions. But, I as a believer in Christ, have EVERY right to run to God and ask for forgiveness, and repent of my stupidity! God is all about leaving His door wide open for our repentance. But understand, we will never get God to change His mind on what He considers sin. If that's your goal, get over it, it will never happen. If God says, "Stop it, don't do it," then cut it out of your life! Fear the Lord, and make it easier on yourself. God is telling you not to, or to do so for all good reasons.
Stay blessed. FLOWERCHIC
Saturday, May 19, 2012
What Do I Do When Life Gets Crazzzzzzy?
Sometimes life gets crazy. And when it gets that way, as believers we have only one choice, and that is to pull out our Spiritual tool box! At this point in my walk I have been to the edge of so many ledges, its starting to not phase me like it used to. If you are a believer in Christ walking out you own journey of faith, I am sure that statement applies the same to you. Don't get me wrong...when life gets this way, it still frustrates me; except now I've collected a Spiritual box full of Godly tools to use at my disposal. When "it" hit, I prayed, found my scriptures, notified my prayer warriors, and put my circumstances on notice, Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those, who are called according to His purpose." There are things that God foreknew would happen in my life, that He has already made provision for in my Jeremiah 29:11 plan. Contingency plans have already been made for me, should I decide at the time they happen to trust in Him. Regardless of strong opposing winds, blinding lightening, and fallen limbs in my path, God has a plan to keep me in my blessed place. The key is that I must remain still, so that I can see and hear from God, as to which paths to walk. When my path seems blocked, I must ask, "Where am I to go now Lord, which direction?" I must ask this question at every obstacle. God is my faithful guide, that will hold my hand, and one that I need never worry about leaving me, or leading me astray. Through the redemption of Christ, there is a blessed place that can be seen past the veil, called my promise land.
We all have a promise land. Its that forever expanding plot of spiritual land full of blessings, that is watered, and tended by God. This is the blessed place we long to stay in always. However, unpleasant life events have a way of barging in. And when that happens, you realize that is just part of living, and life will do that. But even though that is so, the key to overcoming, is to walk hand in hand with the Creator God-the master Gardener.
So for those times when life gets crazy, pull out your spiritual tool box, use your tools at your disposal, and with the aid of Christ beside you, see your way past the obstacles that veil your existence in your promised land. Wherever you are, as long as you are in Christ, you are forever blessed. Your promised land is a spiritual sweet spot that God watches over.
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