Thursday, February 3, 2011


O.K, this is quirky, so I warn you that I felt the same way the first time I saw this!  Rachel Ray, Cooking with Lydia, and The Test Kitchen have all cooked this recipe and each time I thought, "Yuck."

Cook spaghetti till al dente, then drain leaving in a small amount of water.  Add grated Parmesan cheese and set aside. You take a garlic clove and saute it in olive oil in a skillet.  Remove the slightly toasted garlic from the oil, and add two eggs.  Do not scramble, fold in noodles on top of egg mixture continuing till cooked the way you like your eggs.  Add fresh grated peppercorns. Serve for breakfast or any meal.  Delish!

I substituted drained Romain noodles and added half the seasoning packet (shrimp) along with Parmesan cheese and a little water. Stir together before adding to the egg mixture.

I have made the above original recipe without the egg and it is delish too.

My dad fixed this for years separately and never knew he was a Top Chef, until I told him I saw it fixed on the Today Show.  He would eat fried eggs and a bowl of Romain noodles.

I was so surprised that I liked this.  If you are adventurous, give it a try.  I warn you, it is bland to look at, so add a sprig of parsley or green onion blade to jazz it up.

The decision has been made.  I feel as though a drum roll is necessary, because it took me till now to make my final decision.  I'm going with Sista to pre-order my iPhone at the Verizon store today.  I would like to have a white one, but black may be the only color available.  Either way, I am definitely going to buy some sort of case to cover it.  Way too many friends have dropped their phones, and this puppy is an investment for me.  I'll take a pic of something and upload it for my blog.

I mainly wanted an iPhone for picture taking and video, music and going online.  I really don't talk on the cell phone that much at all.  I have the basic, basic, minimal plan as it is.

I should be able to download the Bible application, which will make room in the teeny, tiny, red purse I carry.  Also ditch the address book.  Then I'll have more room in my purse for more necessary, uh...ummm, "stuff".

Part of being my own best friend is making conscience decisions that will simplify my life.  This is one more quality decision made in the right direction.

My blog allotted time is up, so I must get back to sorting spring, summer and winter clothes, and getting a bag ready to take to the salvation army.  I am still doing my spring cleaning early a little bit at a time.  Just think, when spring actually does get here I can do fun stuff instead with my organized and deeply cleaned home.

That is all for today.  COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR again and we'll see what creative things have happened since the last time.  Oh yeah, I found two other blogs to follow yesterday and I am having fun reading whats happening in their blogs too.  If you want to join me as a follower, just hit the "follow" button on my blog and sign up, if you don't have a Google account already, you can register for an account on there too.  I obviously like my blog, and there are other blogs to enjoy as well.  Bye till next time!



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