Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sista and I went shopping for cell phones yesterday!  It is time for us to upgrade our cell phones if we choose to.  I can't decide just yet what I want, but we are trying to shop around.  By trying, I mean to not outright buy the phone we are leaning towards.  That is why she and I are going shopping as a team.  We both have our money ready to spend.  She has more money than I do, so she is more free Willy to spend first time out of the boat. I had to hold the girl back.  Since we are sisters, and I am the youngest, I try and return the favor over the years and watch her back for her.  She was lamenting about not buying her phone last night.  So I kept telling her, "You do what you want, but I think you should wait and shop around a little more."  We usually buy the same identical phone, but I am leaning towards a iPhone and she is leaning toward a Droid Incredible.  I am very fugal with my money and so is she.  The Droid Incredible is very reasonable priced, but obviously does not have the amenities that the iPhone offers.

I am at the stage, where I am willing, in some cases, to pay a little more in order to get more conveniences.  Sista says all she cares about is that the phone be able to ring when a call comes through, and she be able to communicate with the person on the other end.  Which is not true, she talking "smack," she likes to text, likes ring tones (I don't even use those), like to go online with her phone (once again, I don't even pay for that).  The only thing is, she hates to spend the money.  Like I said before, we both fugal AKA cheapskates.

The Apple iPhones don't come out until the 10th of this month. That's nine days from today.  So I go online this morning at 3 a.m. at apple.com to check the specs out on the iPhone.  I just e-mailed them to Sista so we would be on the same page.  I will post this most monumental information of which phone we end up buying later.

I will digress here.  Did anybody wonder why Flowerchic woke up at 3 a.m.?  Well Flowerchic has wondered about this herself.  I took an intercessory class that was taught at my church.  And the intercessor who taught the class had us to do a homework assignment, which was to ask God what time He would like to converse with us.  She says God will choose a time in your day when he will be most be able to have your undivided attention.  Well Flowerchic's time is 3 a.m.  When it is time to write a poem or story, the ideas usually come around 3 a.m.  I need to pray about something I can't decipher on my own, I'm up at 3 a.m.  I make a lot of decisions at 3 a.m.  That does not mean you can call me on the phone at 3 a.m. just to chat (smile.)

Most of my friends are Christians and a lot of them are in ministry and have been for many years, actually all Christians are, except they carry the administrative duties that are apart of ministry, and some of them attended this same class.  So I know when a few of their prayer times are. Plus as you make new friends the topic comes up in conversation and you find out that way too.  Sometimes I'm just curious and I'll ask out right when their time is.  It comes in handy.

One day I woke up in a panic, totally stressed to the max and I no sooner had opened my eyes.  It was so bad that felt my prayers were not enough, and the scriptures I needed I could not remember or find in my bible, and the ones I did find didn't fit in my mind.  I knew I needed help and someone to pray for and with me.  So one of my fb friends, who is in ministry starts posting scripture on her wall about this time.  So I get on fb, get on Chat and she is online.  So I am crying, in a bad way, and trying to type what is going on.  She types back, Lets pray/type The Lord's prayer.  I'll start out typing and then you'll type."  I was in such a state, she ended up typing  the whole thing out and proceeded to minister to me online.

It had been many years since I have woke in such a state as that. But, I had let my situation build up against me with only a minimum amount of Word going into my mind, and that was the result. I had let my guard down, and opened the door, by not digging in the Word.  Thankfully I had a Christian friend who I knew, that was able to help me when under attack.

You never know what you'll read when you COME TO THE PURPLE DOOR WITH FLOWERCHIC.  Sometimes neither does FLOWERCHIC!  Well come on back next time and we'll ponder life's subject matter of the day once again.  Maybe Sista and I will have made up our minds on which phone to buy!

Peace out, FLOWERCHC!  Tee-hee!

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